
616- Repurposed Podcast — Tips on Being Interviewed

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we repurpose evergreen content with Max Flight, a podcaster, who describes for us the issues with being interviewed for a podcast — i.e., not being the interviewer, but the interviewee. The earlier posting was episode 423.

As you will hear in this audio episode, the content from Max Flight is from the point of view of the individual being interviewed. And although the time frame was a bit earlier in the podosphere, the issues and the suggestions are still valid today — although there are a few more tools to assist the novice podcaster being interviewed.

As a side note, you yourself may be called upon to be the GUEST and BE INTERVIEWED. And we have a past audio episode from this series that is delivered by Max Flight on the issues and the preparation of being interviewed:

And so we deliver the podcast content from episode #20 of this series, you will notice that Max had a very good ear for quality content, and he brings his suggestions and experiences from being interviewed on the previous (and now podfaded) show of The Struggling Entrepreneur.

Editor’s note: some of the content has been updated to reflect today’s environment.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2020, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Max Flight, with a documented release for his content. All rights reserved.


629- Podcasting under fire with controversy of censorship and harassment and cancel culture

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter Show, we discuss the events from Podcast Movement 2022 where the controversy sprang from the appearance of management of the conference displaying harassment due to demands from some of the attendees to execute censorship and cancel culture and blatant bigotry.

One example of a team in the podosphere who attended the conference and paid $30,000 US dollars for a booth can be stated by the firm that felt harassed and damaged by the hateful tweets from the PM Conference management that can be interpreted as censorship and bigotry:


Now, my opinion is that the first 20 minutes or so of this discussion tries to identify the event situation from one side, and the resulting harm from the Podcast Movement management.

Feedback from those who were there

For myself, I tried to get some feedback from some of the people that were actual attendees or sponsors of the conference.

In one instance, I listened to a podcaster who spoke at the event, as well as was an exhibitor in the exhibit area with Libsyn. This was, of course, Dave Jackson from The School of Podcasting. And you can hear his response of his perspective from episode 843 in the last 20 minutes of the episode. Enough said from just one podcaster that has been around since the beginning of the podosphere and who not only podcasts, but also attends these conferences.

From other reliable sources, I had conversations with other attendees  that made these multiple points about the incident at the conference:

  • No physical violence or threats resulted;
  • The tweet from conference management with the alleged hate and bigotry was later taken down;
  • the next 3 conferences were posted for 2023 to 2024;
  • many people — including some of the management of the conference itself — were guilty of overreacting and permitted this type of triggered controversy to develop and even grow;
  • some damage has been done to the name of PM and to podcasting itself, unless this controversy dies down and podcasting can resume to content creation and value delivery to audiences.

As for myself, I have been in the podosphere for over 17 years, and as a podcaster, I have had over 18 shows. I was also one of the first contributors to podcast movement with my initial kickstarter contribution. I also attended the first Podcast Movement conference in 2014 in Dallas, Texas, and I shared a booth with Ben Krueger of I was grateful to Gary Leland for starting the idea of this conference, so that the excitement and thrill of podcasting could once again be felt in an atmosphere of podcasters sharing information in an open community.

I had also attended the recent Podcast Movement Evolutions 2020 conference, as well.

In addition to PM, I also have attended and spoken at various podcast conferences and podcamps, etc. in the past 16 years. So I have supported the podcast conferences since their inception.

But my perspective of this whole situation from a podcaster point of view is that “demands” should not be made and that the conference should not be politicized just to get your narrow or personal “message” to all audiences. For me, the open nature of podcasting and the meaningful dialog of what it can provide to the audiences is still tremendous. And very much like what Dave Jackson said, my feeling is that if you feel that you want to demand the conference to be the way you desire to meet your own political goals, then you can go out and start your own conference — as with the example of ShePodcasts.

So will I attend the PM conference any more?

Perhaps — I will make my decision by March of 2023, when PM Evolutions 2023 will be in Las Vegas, and with the web site, I can see who will be speaking and what the topics will be to see if it will truly deliver VALUE to the audience of podcasters, and not be targeted to just the few agitators and those who make demands. By that time, hopefully this type of controversy and demand for cancel culture, bigotry and censorship will have gone away (perhaps the “demanders” will have started their own event, where they can be satisified, and I can avoid it). If this situation increases, then the event of Podcast Movement will turn into nothing more than a Bowel Movement.

My feeling is that I support OPEN PODCASTING with DIALOG — not demands — and that there is always room for anyone starting another conference to meet their own narrow objectives and leave open conferences for all podcasters alone.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2022, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and and Podcast Movement. All rights reserved.


612- Managing a podcast workflow — some suggestions

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter show, we deliver some suggestions for creating a podcast workflow for your show and its episodes. These came from a post at the following site of

How to Manage Your Podcast Workflow


And the post goes on to give you a sample workflow for creating an episode in your podcast show (assuming that you have your site ready and your content management system ready to take on your creative juices for constructing your content):

  • “Podcast episode ideation phase →
  • Decide on episode subject and search for guest possibilities →
  • Schedule interviews →
  • Write questions and/or outline of the episode →
  • Record the episode →
  • Edit the show →
  • Load episode to your podcast host to share with iTunes/Stitcher/Google Play etc …→ 
  • Create show notes for your website →
  • Begin promoting the show via social media, your email list, on your website, etc… → 
  • Follow up with guest(s) about the show.

Your podcast workflow may look a little different, but hopefully, this gives you an idea of just how many pieces you’ll have to manage for your show.”

The post then addresses the reasons why managing your podcast workflow really does matter when you are creating content — mainly because it can become overwhelming to the aspiring podcaster and the newer podcasters (especially true if the latter are not full-time podcasters buy have a day-job or are treating the podcasting environment as a hobby).

And for this, the article explains that you will need a task-management tool to manage this:  “We recommend using a tool such as or some other similar software to keep track of your tasks.”

With both screen shots and an example of going down this path, the article tries to explain the necessity for good management of the entire process in the form of an organized workflow. The post encourages both the concept of scaling your workflow by batching, as well as using key delegations to others (if you can afford to do so) to maximize your productivity and prevent becoming overwhelmed.

The later part of the post goes over resources that an aspiring podcaster can include in the management of content creation — namely, other podcasters, colleges, key software, sites online to get help from possible freelancers (with some examples), etc.

For this podcaster, creating a workflow is something that should be paramount in the early stages of planning and creating your podcast content. For myself, this idea was very important and was discussed when another podcaster was interested very much in my workflow during an interview in 2010 (that podcaster was Daniel J Lewis of The Audacity to Podcast Show). And it was at this time that the real significance and importance of a good workflow became paramount to my content creation — so much that it helped me to create, launch and publish over 16 different podcast shows at the same time that year, as well as creating 5 more podcast shows since that year until the present day. And while there were no posts like this one during the early stages of the podosphere with these suggestions, I was able to create my own workflow (having been a professional project manager during my career as a systems engineer in corporate America) that was very similar. And I still use this workflow today as part of my productivity in podcasting, so that I can be as prolific as I want while creating content that has VALUE for my listeners.

So we hope that this post can give you some ideas in creating your own podcast workflow, and thus you can become more successful with your podcast show and its episodes.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2022, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and All rights reserved.


611A- Podcasting value in repurposed episodes

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we review and deliver one podcaster’s perspective of the value of repurposed podcast episodes— along with key examples and proofs-of-concept.

The repurposing of episodes has been of great value to myself as a podcaster, as well as to the growing number of newer podcasters and aspiring podcasters who have joined the podosphere within the last 5 to 10 years — remember that I have had over 15 years of podcasting, and many of  my shows and their episodes have contained great content (as acclaimed by reviewers and other podcasters and listeners). Such episodes have come from the following past shows that posted evergreen content (although some have been podfaded) like the following, which is a non-inclusive list:

  • Folklorico Dance and Music;
  • The Combat Infantrymen’s Podcast show;
  • The 82nd Airborne Division Association — Alamo Chapter;
  • Entrepreneur Tools Online show;
  • The Jungle Warriors show;
  • Gain Control of Your Day show;
  • and the creation and redeployment of podcast episodes from the show in progress called The Real Academy of Life;
  • Austin Podcaster’s Meetup Show;
  • Grumpy Old Bears Show;
  • 2030 Podcast show;
  • and some other minor shows.

So, what has been the result of repurposing podcast episodes in your current or present shows? And what had to be done for the episodes that would be repurposed?

  • the value to the audience — for the newer and aspiring podcasters, these repurposed episodes will become NEW episodes that can have them engage with you and your content. And this can help you to grow your audience, as well as receive feedback via the WOMMA method (i.e., word-of-mouth-marketing-actions) about the relevance of your show. It can also help you to become a thought leader, since your “wisdom” to the audience may be coming back from the days of the origins of the podosphere — and most content can become evergreen, if it is treated as such and presented to all audiences as such.
  • the decision to re-edit the repurposed episode and make it come up to the standards of the current day. Yes, to catch up with the times of the current podcast publication dates for repurposed episodes, you may have to do a bit of EDITING on the show episodes that were previously edited before the initial publishing. And this may be very important, because this can give new energy, new life and new VALUE to your audience that it will be reaching (and many for the very first time). Thus, by updating the fringes of your podcast episodes, this can increase the value of your content and help to make your new audiences even more loyal and interested. And, yes, I have done this on numerous occasions, as the theme was evergreen, but the examples or the possible proof-of-concept would need to be updated for relevance’s sake.
  • the new and repurposed episodes can also be used as a springboard for gaining more INSPIRATION and spawning new areas to explore with content, as well as increase the value of the original content by going deeper into the subject matter and providing your audience with even more VALUE.

My experience has been to see the downloads increase substantially with the publication of the repurposed episodes. After all, if we believe that the stats from the media hosts show an increase in downloads from our recently released repurposed episodes, then we can possibly imagine that the increase in subscribers to podcasts or the emergence of new listeners within the podosphere are now engaging with our content — even though the content is being repurposed, with or without any updating.

For myself, I have seen some strategies take off with this type of decision for repurposing shows. For instance, in one of my podcast shows that is broadcast over the No Agenda Stream, I have seen that my download numbers increased — and NOT from direct subscribers or followers of my own show, but from those who listen to the stream and then get value from my content. And then they would go to my site and listen to other episodes, as well as download some or all of my back-catalog. This could be a good strategy for some podcasters, if they can have a targeted audience in which they can present themselves and their content to the right listeners who get value from their content. Well, such has been my experience — and this happened without having to pay for any kind of marketing or sales promotions or launch a marketing campaign of any sort. This was a good fortune that my content was seen as giving VALUE to an audience that receives my episode content (some of which are also repurposed) to an audience that numbers in the hundreds of thousands worldwide.

Thus, we hope that you can find a great way to repurpose your older episodes (whether updated or not) and republish them to an audience that contains the targeted listeners that will find value in your content, and thus will have your podcast grow and be successful.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2022, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and All rights reserved.


BONUS 2022C- Turning point in OPEN Podcasting — a perspective

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter podcast show, we reflect on a podcast episode recently from Adam Curry of The No Agenda Show in which a description and perspective of a conference is delivered about the Podcast Movement Conference of 2022.

Needless to say, we encourage you to consume episode # 1480 from late August, 2022, starting at 3:00 minutes. There is a lengthy description of Adam Curry’s attendance at the Podcast Movement Conference in Dallas, Texas.

In a different perspective, Adam told his truth about what he saw in the event — and how it has totally become different than the OPEN podcast events of the podosphere from the 2005 conference starting in Ontario, California. Now, the conference has become “woke-o-rama” and full of cancel-culture and repression of speakers and ideas, as well as censorship. What a sad thing this was to happen to what was once the last bastion of free speech.

I do not need to review all the negative things to which this event has reverted to. After all, I did participate and present at the very first Podcast Movement conference in 2014 in Dallas. And it was the event that did turn out initially to be the way that ex-founder Gary Leland had envisioned — that is, with the fervor, excitement and enthusiasm and openness for all podcasters and podosphere aficianados, but without any cancel culture, censorship or woke-ness.

And now, you can consume the episode from Adam Curry to see what the Podfather had experienced in this new woke-based event. I am sorry to hear it, and perhaps you will find it difficult to believe that it had turned into this type of event.

And I do believe Adam Curry much more so than I do the organizers and owners of the Podcast Movement conference (mainly because Gary Leland had sold his part of the movement in 2019).

Well, it is up to you to make up your minds to see if this is a turning point in open podcasting and if will be the beginning of the ruin of the podosphere. If so, then this should not be an event that I will support any more, as I do support the openness of the podosphere and podcasting.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2022, Matrix Solutions Corporation and All rights reserved


BONUS Episode 2022 — Anticipating the return of DJL and TAP

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter Show, we discuss our anticipation for the return of DANIEL J LEWIS and his show, The Audacity to Podcast, in September of 2022.

This is a tribute to Daniel J Lewis from one of his biggest supporters, as he plans to return in September to the podosphere as a publisher of podcast episodes for his show, The Audacity to Podcast.

Now, Daniel has been active as a member of the chat room during the live broadcast of Ask the Podcast Coach show from Dave Jackson. He has delivered suggestions and value by answering questions or addressing topics and delivering details when asked about technical specs on products or services. But he has not posted a recent episode on his flagship podcast show recently. And remember that a podcaster should have reliability by giving the expectation of information from his feed to his audiences — it is part of the reliability.

Most of everything is available on his website page, from his products and services to contacting him for leaving feedback.

So this is just a brief episode giving him a vote of confidence. And we are waiting to receive and consume his podcast episodes when they come down the podcast channel.

Thank you to DJL, and we look forward to receiving more episodes from TAP.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2022, Matrix Solutions Corporation and All rights reserved.


610- Companion Podcast shows — possible resources for success

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we discuss an age-old manner of supporting your podcast business, as well as promoting your podcast show. And this is by incorporating a resource known as THE  COMPANION PODCAST. And we have two cases-in-point of success stories about companion podcasts that highlight and promote books written by podcasters who are also authors:

and I will also briefly mention my own experiences with companion podcast shows for my programs of Finance for Startups and Gain Control of Your Day in the earlier years of the podosphere.

In this book, Dave has had an update to his earlier book titled More Podcast Money. This is really just the latest information that Dave has delivered on how to monetize your podcast, should you wish to get money from your podcast. This is a current example of a companion podcast to help promote and sell the book. And it has resulted in a success story, but not one of titanic proportions of revenue success.

In this original book published in 2005-2006, a companion audio podcast show started by Tee Morris actually had resounding success for the promotion and sale of the book. Now in its third printing, and with a sequel that followed the original book titled Expert Podcasting Practices for Dummies, this was the original case-in-point about how a companion podcast can grow your show and provide success for monetization of your podcast show. I myself first learned of this book in 2007, and I did promote it at the first Podcamp in Phoenix, Arizona, when Evo Terra sat in my session when I presented monetization strategies for serialized podcast shows. Of course, that is when I first met and spoke with Evo Terra.

My own experience with COMPANION PODCASTS

In my experience as a professional podcaster, I have had  several shows in which I implemented the concept and practice of creating and publishing a companion podcast:

  • One show was Gain Control of Your Day — this now podfaded show was a training course delivered by audio podcast episodes that used a technology developed by Paul Colligan, (who was a thought leader, a pundit in New Media and podcasting and an author of podcasting books) that mainly dealt with monetization of podcasts. His Technology of “dripping” episodes in his resource called Premiumcast, along with a one-to-one podcast feed for every paying member was key in the initial years of the podosphere. And this method of supporting the course and delivering training by having a smaller companion podcast that introduced the show and delivered content during the marketing and promotion of the show did have some limited success — although the problems that put the nail in the coffin of my success in this endeavor were both a delay in announcing and delivering the show, as well as the introduction of the competition by Apple (which was the 2010 promotional marketing and introduction of the original iPhone 1).
  • The other case-in-point was my show that was originally called Finance for Startups. Also now podfaded, this show had more success in launching and promoting as marketing tools the course by the same name. Originally delivered as a companion podcast, a late entry also hampered its  success, but the audio book that served as a nine-episode companion podcast did see some limited success — as I had a partner that created content and helped me to prepare the podcast episodes. But again, the novelty of the day in 2010 was the latest toy in the podosphere, the iPhone 1. Thus, although you may have the right tactics, the right marketing and sales promotion and the right delivery, the competition in the podosphere may be an obstacle to success in your original plans. So this course was removed from the podosphere in the USA, but my partner had seen limited success in the Australian and other foreign markets for podcasting and online courses.

So, my view of these experiences are that planning and executing a companion podcast is a great competitive tool that can bring success in monetization — but you have to be early enough in the announcement and delivery of the course or the companion podcast that describes your book or course before the competition arrives. And you should be certain that new announcements will not hinder the success of your show.

As Dave Jackson stated, with over a million new podcasts being announced and published in just the one year of 2021, you will have to promote your offering and deliver a companion podcast (mainly for no charge, until you have a purchase-base or subscription-based success for your book or course, thanks to your companion podcast.

Thus, we do wish you well if you wish to create, publish and deliver a companion podcast that will promote your education courses or books or other assets or podcasts that you wish to monetize. You just have to be aware of the vast amount of time that will be used to create your companion podcast and figure in the return on investment (ROI) factors that will be needed to judge its success.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2022, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Dave Jackson of and Evo Terra of All rights reserved.


609- A look at hobbyist podcasting and its benefits for health and happiness

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we deliver a REPURPOSED PODCAST of episode 271 of this same podcast series, so that we can review the theme of hobbyist podcasting and the benefits it gives to the hobbyist podcaster — even some health benefits. This episode was originally published in June of 2020.

The audio of this podcast episode gives you that episode in its entirety, all 4 minutes and 51 seconds. The attributions go to PodMov Daily, a newsletter that delivered the idea of healthy benefits for pursuing personal passions outside of work if you are employed — or for us, being a hobby podcaster, as we start with podcasting as a side hustle or a hobby. In fact, many podcasters stated that when they upgraded to professional podcasters, the stress that went with it was too much like work, and the fun was starting to disappear.

But we feel that this content should be reviewed, and from some feedback from listeners, they emphasize that others should be offered the opportunity to consume this evergreen content, especially when it was announced on recent podcast shows that over 1 million new podcasts were created and launched in 2021, alone, and the numbers will keep growing. Thus, for the newer and aspiring podcasters, we deliver this content as the main content for this episode.

And we shall return with another podcast episode as we look into themes of the podosphere for newer and aspiring podcasters.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2022, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and PodMov Daily. All rights reserved.


607- Pre-launch feedback can be critical for Podcasting success

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we discuss some experiences that I have had when trying to sell my own products from my podcast shows — and the good, bad and the ugly about their results.

The inspiration for this show came from a podcast show of various episodes from Dave Jackson, podcaster and author of the book, Profit from Your Podcast. Yes, I had ordered the book and have read it — in fact, Dave will even send you a personally autographed copy if you order it from him.

Latest book from Dave Jackson about monetizing your Podcasts.

In addition, Dave has also produced a podcast show called Profit from Your Podcast, with the same content.

In these episodes of this podcast show, Dave talks about how both feedback in the form of survey results — as well as perhaps focus groups — can be critical for getting audience buy-in for your own products that you may want to sell to monetize your show. And, yes, there are many other strategies in which he goes into within his book, but these are the 2 in which I personally can deliver some experiences when I started off in podcasting and had courses to sell about my podcasts since 2006 (which, in those days, was the very beginning of the podosphere with very few rules — in fact, they called it the “wild, wild west” of New Media).


Focus groups can give you immediate reaction of your audience from selected members (besides your family and friends) who may be part of your intended and targeted audience. They can help you see if you do, indeed, have a solution or product which they not only want, but also need — and if they would be willing to spend money for it. And in the book and podcast from Dave, he spends time talking about what a focus group is, how to conduct one and what to do with the results for you to analyze the landscape into making a decision to proceed with the strategy and solution you wish to sell.

For this podcaster, I did NOT perform any focus groups. I had only brainstormed this idea with a current podcaster in 2006 when I had the podcast premium course that I had been creating almost done. And it seemed like a good idea at the time, for there were hardly any solutions like mine. And I had been teaching this course in a stand-up inbound class in person for many years — and so the content was second nature to me, and I saw the reviews of my classes and felt very confident that this would sell in the market of that day.

So I went on to finish the course using some technology that came about to make distribution, security and monetization easier for this podcast premium product that I wanted to market. However, I did NOT consider the market landscape of ALL of New Media. And this is the snake that bit me in the back.


Because Apple had announced, launched and marketed their iPhone product to the world — and that included the majority of my target market. And so the Apple announcement and the audience’s desire for “apps” destroyed my marketing efforts and killed off 99 per cent of my sales, regardless of my strategies and investment in my solution.

And because I had not done any focus groups to wet the appetite of my audience and get good feedback and positive reinforcement that I was on the right track, I was faced with an albatross for several years until I had written off my project and finally withdrew it.


I had also committed another grievous sin — I did not have solid pre-launch survey results from my target audience about the utility of my product and their desire to obtain it to solve their problems. The desire for “apps” overcame their senses, and they dropped my product and podcast like a hot potato, as they circled around a solution in an app for their problem.

And, truthfully, up to this day, there has NOT been a solution in app format on the smartphone that has delivered the same solutions as my premium podcast course. But the lure for an all-encompassing app led my target market astray, and I suffered the results.

Why did I not have pre-launch surveys?

At the time, I, as a podcaster and trainer of a successful in-person course, felt overconfident that my solution was the best and that it would sell to my audience.

How wrong I was. In fact, the only surveys came AFTER the product was launched and after seeing the results that lacked success.

For if I had done surveys, I know that the responses would show that the only format that would have been suitable to my target audience would have been an iPhone app — and, again, that day not only did NOT arrive then in 2010, but it has still not arrived even today. And, yes, one or two scattered customers recently saw the value of my course and have purchased it now — but the marketing and sales plans that I had so carefully prepared did not show up, because I was flattened by the competition in the marketplace by mere illusory dreams of a solution that has never been delivered.

Now, the lessons I have learned have been to create a marketing plan for any monetization that I wish to follow with pre-launch activities that include:

  • surveys; and
  • focus groups

and to rely on their feedback to create milestones in which to make a hard decision that is fact-based on whether to continue or change course — or even to scrap the project solution due to audience feedback.

And since that time, I did create another podcast course with another podcaster — and we achieved more of a success, but it was still not enough to get us over the hurdle into great profitability.

Thus, my lessons learned included the inclusion of feedback from many sources (here we only touch upon 2) in pre-launch activities that can provide great information before sinking any more time and money into continuing on something that may not provide a good ROI as we desired.

These are lessons that I could have used if Dave’s book had been available to me at that time. For in his book, Dave speaks about both, but he also gives some scenarios and recommendations on how to conduct both surveys and focus groups — and these may be well worth consuming if you are a newer or aspiring podcaster that wants to monetize your show with online courses you wish to sell or with other products of your own

So, I hope that you can get more information from Dave’s book and free podcast, as mentioned. And I wish that you can avoid the mistakes that I had made and then get your show to have successful launches of your products that will make your podcasts more successful and profitable.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2022, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Dave Jackson and All rights reserved.


606- Podcasting issues and solutions with podcast reviews

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter Show, we discuss an email-episode from Daniel J Lewis, the award-winning podcaster from his show called The Audacity to Podcast (currently on hiatus with sparse episodes being released on demand within important announcements). He has specialized in helping podcasters be aware of podcast reviews. In this current email sent out in 1st quarter of 2022, he goes one step further — he helps to solve some complex issues with getting podcast reviews.

What is the problem? And how does Daniel go about trying to help the podcasters who want reviews from any location worldwide? Well, Daniel states in his email content:

Here’s the problem. There are so many podcast platforms out there and so many of them don’t allow ratings or reviews, it’s hard to give the right call to action for your audience to rate and review your podcast.

It gets worse. Android devices can’t access Apple Podcasts, non-Android devices can’t access Podcast Addict, and Apple Podcasts is actually still “iTunes” on Windows and older macOS versions.

So how can you ensure your listeners are going to the right place to leaving ratings and reviews for your show and without overloading your audience with incompatible options or complex instructions?

Here are two solutions:

  1. Learn all the coding necessary or find and buy the right tools or plugins to build your own solution.
  2. Use the feature included with all accounts on My Podcast Reviews! provides the smartest way to get more ratings & reviews! It automatically displays only the rating and review platforms compatible with your listener’s device. For example:

  • Only Android users will see Podcast Addict.
  • Windows and older macOS versions will see iTunes.
  • New macOS, iOS, and iPadOS will see Apple Podcasts.
  • All platforms will see Podchaser since it works on everything.
  • And so on.

Plus, this gives you a memorable and easily speakable URL you can customize to your needs! For example, I can say in my own podcast, “If you love the podcast, please give it a rating and review at and I might read your review on the show!”

But whether you use My Podcast Reviews or make your own page, make the process as easy as possible for all your listeners, and your non-Apple audience will probably feel more valued and more likely to give you those positive reviews!

Thus, Daniel has made this easy for the podcaster. I would highly recommend that you subscribe to Daniel’s email episodes being delivered now and for the foreseeable future. And then you can get the emails directly sent to your inbox.

Now, I have known Daniel since 2010 when I interviewed him on my flagship podcast (at that time), The Struggling Entrepreneur (now podfaded); and Daniel later interviewed me on his show, The Audacity to Podcast (in 2 episodes). I have always admired his contributions to the podosphere and the great value he delivers in his podcast episodes, as well as his products and membership site ( and his training and exhibitions at Podcast conferences in the past.

So with the products that Daniel has released, you, as a podcaster can benefit from his content if you are interested in maximizing the rewards from podcast reviews worldwide. And his several products have all been very thorough and technically competent (in fact, many podcasters have used him and his content as the authority).

Thus, I hope that your decision in dealing with podcast reviews worldwide will benefit from the content, training and products from Daniel J Lewis. In this way, you can get closer to your audience and benefit in the community of your own podcast show.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2022, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Daniel J Lewis. All rights reserved.