
682- Bill of Rights in danger toward 2030 by Democrats

In this episode, we begin the dialog of the danger of the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the US by the democrats.

In particular, the NRA (National Rifle Association) delivered a very detailed truth article titled “Kamala Harris would destroy the Second Amendment” in the October, 2024 issue of their monthly magazine, ISSN 0003-083X, volume 172, No. 10, on pages 18-20, at

In summary of the 2 pages of this very rich article of facts, the introductory paragraph states: “…Kamala Harris is an anti-gun extremist…because the vice president has endorsed the gun control endgame — a world where Americans don’t have an individual right to keep and bear arms under the law and the federal government confiscates guns.”

The article goes into almost every court case where Harris has desired to ban gun ownership, to restrict the Second Amendment rights and to increase unconstitutional gun bans.

As you will see from the article, the results would be that the law-abiding American public will be left without self-defense protection and that only the criminals would be armed with arms received in the black market and from abroad. In addition, even on late night television, the article states that “Harris reiterated her support for gun confiscation on the Sept. 16, 2019, episode of ‘The Tonight Show….’ “

So this article attempts to provide the severity of the threat to Americans by Harris against the “…Second Amendment, their way of life and their personal property.”

And don’t think that this will be the only amendment in the Bill of Rights that Harris will attack and destroy — she also is a promoter of censorship and disinformation (thus, attacking the right of free speech, as well as religion), and other rights. Just look at her “values” in the past, and you can see that she is promoting lies by echoing the values of Trump during the campaign, just to be elected.

As it was stated by Bernie Sanders, the socialist, you lie to be elected, and after that, “we can do anything we want.”

Also, we will cover an unconstitutional law signed by the commie-fornia governor, newscum, which tries to penalize any comic ai recordings.

Also, on the Bill O’Reilly shows, he mentioned and gave a summary of what a Harris dictatorship would be like — without mentioning even once Trump. This gives you a clear indication of the disaster that awaits a Harris presidency. Also, a close friend of mine whom I respect is so disgusted with the election possibilities that he is considering leaving the country if Harris is elected.

Copyright (c) 2024, Matrix Solutions Corporation and Adam Curry and John C Dvorak and Bill O’Reilly and All rights reserved.


681- Key indicators and democrat untruths on the road to 2030

In this episode, we return from a short break to ponder the near future and what it means that can influence and affect the upcoming year 2030, for us and for the world. Of course, Sgt. Fred and Matt Cox deliberate on the the key area to discuss — the upcoming election of 2024.

We will touch upon the following points:

  • How the debate was prejudicially set of 3-vs-1 with the “moderators” who did not moderated Harris — but they violated the rules of the debate against Trump;
  • the lies told by Harris  — e.g., fine people and ;
  • How Harris will NEVER take any questions in a press conference and how she will NEVER address any issue in any debate — she is the master of “word salad” and changing the subject to what she memorized as the questions were given to her ahead of time;
  • How Taylor Swift has endorsed Harris with emotion, not facts;
  • How Bernie Sanders said that she will say anything to get elected, but after that, they (the communists and socialists) can do whatever they want;
  • How the Bo-Jiden administration is now trying to enact Trump policies (like tariffs) just right before the election in a clearly hypocritical situation, along with what they mentioned on the border;
  • the reality of Haitians eating animals in fact;
  • video of persuasion with link mentioned by Matt; The name of the subject was:      at this link:
  • Brief update on the UK and Europe;
  • Brief review of the movie REAGAN;

Copyright (C) 2024, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Adam Curry and John C Dvorak. All rights reserved.


679- Decision in politics for affecting 2030

In this episode, Sgt. Fred discusses the following points with the highlight of the news (i.e., that Bo-Jiden has stepped out of the race) as well as other points of discussion:

  • Bo-Jiden drops out of race for president; now, what about potential ticket for Dems?
  • Sorry to hear about Lou Dobbs — died this week in late 70s;
  • Alex Jones predicts Hillary to be the flag-bearer for democrats
  • And other points from the RNC where the democrats lie about the stats given by Trump — and they are still telling lies after the RNC;
  • How the true deconstruction and perspective of the Trump speech was valid and true, per John C Dvorak and Adam Curry — especially, how his sense of humor is key in public speaking;
  • The professional deliverance of speech by Tucker Carlson;
  • How the shooting incident of Trump could have been actually orchestrated by the FBI and reverse-engineered by the DOJ and the Secret Service and FBI (that falls within the 6-week cycle);
  • How the chief of Secret Service is being called (and will be grilled by Congress) starting tomorrow about the shooting;

– The electronic outage worldwide of many systems, including airlines, due to the Microsoft / Crowdstrike system update and possible sabotage;

          – The families of the 13 servicemen killed in Afghanistan during the debacle of the retreat were at the convention;

         – The ridiculous memes and narratives of the Secret Service and the FBI about the attempted assassination. The noagendashow podcast has broken down the failure of the service for doing their job –including the whistleblowers who suggested that the Secret Service actually had workers who were NOT even Secret Service agents;

          – The stupid plan for the Secret Service to have 30 per cent of all agents to be female, due to the DEI foolishness;

          – how the Silicon Valley fundgivers are now going to donate to the republicans, especially after the shooting (they fear Bo-Jiden and his attack on the tech world for AI exec orders);

          – how the Silicon Valley executives are now starting to turn to the right, as opposed to supporting the democrats and Biden;

also:  news about UK;

also, how Canada is the violator of contributing to NATO of their fair share;

Copyright (c) 2024, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and and Adam Curry. All rights reserved.


677- Can all presidents poop in their pants for 2030

In this episode, both Matt and Sgt. Fred discuss the evils and lies of the radical left, as well as their slipping followers, now that the public is finally feeling the pangs of the evil administration under Bo-Jiden.

In this discussion, which is impromptu and unrehearsed, they also are ready to check in with the latest on the UK and its royalty, as well as the evil policies of both Commie-fornia and the White house occupant (i.e., Bo-Jiden, since he is not really “our president”).

In this episode, the following key points are made:

  • The plight of the royal family in the UK and what it means to the US and the rest of the world;
  • The ridicule worldwide as Bo-Jiden probably pooped in his pants for his own D-Day (should be “P-Day”);
  • the shame of Hunter Biden and his evil doings (include referring to his father as “the big guy” to whom bribes must be paid);
  • the refusal to prosecute and punish Merrick Garland for contempt of congress in matters of audio recordings that would show that Bo-Jiden was involved in criminal bribery;
  • The ridiculous mentions of Greta Thunberg, now that she is no longer a climate-change spokes-hole, but a radical activist for-hire;
  • The mentions in the podcast where Cuomo does double-talk, but suggests the scam of useless “vaccines” that do damage to our bodies (and promoted by the Bill Gates Foundation), while at the same time refusing to say that they are harmful and ineffective (not “safe and effective”);
  • the discussion of the Palestinian terrorists in the past roles (i.e., the 1972 Munich Olympics, the 1976 Entebbe hijack, the 2023 massacres in Gaza, etc.) and the coverage in documentaries of the past evils of the PLO and other pro-Palestinian groups;
  • the SCOTUS striking down the ban on gun-stocks;
  • the ridiculous EV-promotion in the US, with thousands of EVs here sitting in the desert and other locations because people have stopped buying them en masse — and where are the 500,000 charging stations, BoJiden and New-Scum?
  • the lame-stream presenting the pro-Biden “debate” upcoming with the “new rules”;
  • the item in today’s show how google can manipulate the vote up to 25 million votes in 2024;

Copyright (c) 2024, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and All rights reserved.


674- Video podcasts becoming more popular now

In this episode, we reflect on an article from this week in May about how video podcasts are making a strong push into popularity over audio podcasts — and note: we are not saying that ALL videos are podcasts, but that video components may be included in podcasts adhering to the definition of podcasts.

The article is by Gloria Escandon and it came out in Forbes Magazine recently about how video podcasting is growing.

Remember: to find out what the REAL requirements of being a podcast are, you can visit articles by Dave Jackson in his podcast show, School of Podcasting.

Some of the others mentioned in this podcast are Matt Cox, podcaster for Brunch with the, as well as Dave Jackson. Matt is also a co-host for the podcast show called (which is a sister podcast show to this one).

Thank you for listening.

Copyright (c) 2024, Matrix Solutions Corporation and All rights reserved.


Bonus episode -671- We podcast together amidst weather and illness

In this episode (which is going to be posted on both and, my co-host, Matt Cox, and myself will be catching up after illness and bad, rainy weather on the situations with the following topics:

  • the “loser-states” and their politics finally hit home, with both the New-Scum governor and the candidate for the Senate from Commie-fornia, Schiff (who was censured from the House of Representatives for lying and other acts against good faith);
  • an update from Matt about the situation across the pond, namely Charles III and the unwanted Camilla (especially the cancer situation with the King and the hope of having a good king on the throne with William, Prince of Wales);
  • Upcoming elections — both good and bad — on the local scenes both in Commie-fornia and Texas;
  • The setting for podcasting today and in the near future — especially with the threats of being persecuted and marginalized and canceled, etc.;
  • The situation with the Swifties and both Kelce and his girlfriend — and how this may upset both football, as well as the upcoming elections;
  • The horrible situation with democrats and the feebleness of Bo-Jiden and his dementia and possible alzheimers;
  • Sad situation for Vietnam Veterans today — since they are dying every day at an alarming rate;
  • The ridiculous situation and request by Maddow the “mad-cow” as she asks that no one reveal or talk about injuries or harm from the “vaccinations” as the anti-vaxers will pick this up and enumerate on the truth;
  • update on movies — e.g., Oppeneheimer, Archie (Cary Grant) and others;
  • The lies about electric vehicles and the promotions by the democrats (especially AOC);
  • The stupidity of Nikki Haley and her funding;
  • Upcoming travels and important dates to keep;
  • The ridiculous lies told by Bo-Jiden at the State of the Union rant by a demented man suffering from near Alzheimers, and the stupid chant from the females on THE VIEW screaming “4 more years” — how idiotic is that?
  • the FAIREST and most evenly reviewed discussion of the SOTU was from No Agenda show by Adam Curry and John C Dvorak from the Sunday show’s first hour on 10March2024;
  • the rebuttal by the GOP by Katie Britt, senator from Alabama — where some mothers in the USA favorably reacted, as stated in this video:
  • And this important reflection from Bill O’Reilly on 8March24:


After the State of the Union speech, we need to include the following aspects that Bill O’Reilly pointed out today:
President Biden got through the State of the Union with good energy.  Nothing new.  Not admitting he made any mistakes.  Here are some of my real time observations.

Mr. Biden looks frail.  First up, attacks Trump over NATO.  Second tells Putin that we will not “bow down.”  Then tries to tie January 6th into Ukraine – threat to democracy.  Blames Trump.

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Catholic Joe segues into “reproductive freedom.”  Ten o’clock mass tomorrow?

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Joe says he’s creating American jobs right here in America. Okay, then.

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

So we are 25 minutes into the speech and nothing new at all.  Spoke too fast.  The President says he’ll give Americans $4,800 a year if they buy a home.  Vote buying?  Surely. #StateOfTheUnion

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Biden wants corporations to pay ” their fair share”, where have we heard that before?  Joe will impose ” fairness.”  Uh-oh.

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Mr. Biden rolling on the class warfare front.  He’s going after the wealthy in order to fund the “working people.” Socialism here we come.  Bernie Sanders exhausted from applauding.

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Bernie Sanders wearing a mask. Excellent news.

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Biden says he wants to cut down the “backlog” of migrant cases. Republicans hooting him. Simple question:  who created the backlog?

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Biden totally booting the border analysis.  Says his heart goes out to the family of Laken Riley.  So, why didn’t he call them?

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

President says America is safer today than when he took office.  Meanwhile, the Democrat Governor of New York is sending the National Guard into the subway to protect folks.

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Did you know Kamala Harris is in charge of the White House office of gun violence? I didn’t. The President just said that. Does Kamala know?


Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and All rights reserved.


639- Podcaster Chris Brogan — in the beginning…

In this repurposed episode, we deliver to you an interview with Chris Brogan at a Podcast Movement conference, in which we learn the beginnings of one of the earliest podcasters and sponsors of the podcasting conferences (namely podcamps), as well as other topics in the early stages of the podosphere which made Chris Brogan a top celebrity in New Media, podcasting and authorship.

This interview had a bit of ambient noise, as it was right off the expo center floor of the conference — but the topics and interest of Chris Brogan to podcasting are still alive today as he continues his career in New Media:

Now, I have followed Chris Brogan from interviews which I have done with him over the years, as well as memories of the Podcamp conferences of which he was a co-founding member in 2005.

He and I do share a common ground in podcasting, and I have also purchased some of his intellectual property products and offerings in the past. His books, on the other hand, have turned into best sellers — some he has authored alone, and others he has co-authored with authorities in the field (e.g., Julien Smith in Trust Agents).

Now, as you will hear in this REPURPOSED EPISODE, the podosphere has some themes that are evergreen, and there are a few good “gems” of suggestions that are viable in today’s environment of the podosphere for those who are new or aspiring or upcoming podcasters.

I would highly recommend that you consume this brief interview to select some ideas that can help your show with content, as well as to grow and increase your audience. This could be a key case in point when you feel that maybe growing “dark” to pursue other New Media ventures would be a good direction for you and your business. And Chris has pivoted from his early podcasting days to the environment where interviews and business ownership were key focus points.

Thus, we hope that you can benefit from this evergreen content from Chris Brogan to help you and your business and your podcasts become successful.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Chris Brogan and Podcast All rights reserved.


631- Microcasts and long-play episodes in podcasting of memoirs

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter show, we discuss the concept of creating your memoirs as episodes in a podcast show, instead of written content in the form of a book or collection of stories in some written format.

The memoirs in which I am creating (since I am in my twilight years at this time) are going to be put into a podcast show (which is yet to be published — for I am hoping it will be in the next few years) which is called The Real Academy of Life (or RAL). And since it is not yet launched, I do have the domain for the URL and will have the host media site which will be the tools needed for this. And also, I have the first 4 episodes already recorded and ready to include in this podcast show.

Now, in the latest episode in which I greatly test the comparison and contrast of a short episode in length (i.e., a micro-cast) and a longer-length podcast show, the topic is my military experience in the military when I was in the Army as a combat veteran and served in the Vietnam War.

The format I had for this longer-length podcast episode was the following:

  • Title and name and number and podcast show (audio);
  • Intro music;
  • Intro content — usually 3 minutes or shorter;
  • The segue of music to introduce the first complete and unabridged 24-minute repurposed podcast episode from the Combat Infantrymen’s podcast show called Combat and Camaraderie
  • The segue music to bring on the final other repurposed podcast episode which had Mack Payne, podcaster of the show interview me to discuss multiple ways in which I coped with PTSD after my return to the USA from the war;
  • Exit music.

  • And here is the long-play content with 2 episodes:

So this episode in this show lasted one hour and 21 minutes total — a complete change from my micro-cast episode format for the past 2 years or more. However, that does not mean that I did not include any longer in time content in my episodes. I did include both links and URLs and other reference resources. By pointing to these content sections in the links and other references, I allowed my listeners to link over to the details and longer-length episodes of some of my other podcasts, as well as other podcast shows from other podcasters (e.g., Dave Jackson and Daniel J Lewis and Adam Curry, etc.).

So when I finally get ready to publish and launch my new podcast show titled The Real Academy of Life and its URL to the domain, I will announce this and give it the needed quality of a good podcast show, with the details and shownotes it deserves.

So, we hope that you may find my life experiences interesting in this newer podcast show of my memoirs that will contain both micro-cast format episodes as well as longer episodes (of an hour or more in time), and that you will find it of value in your podcasting career.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2022, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Mack Payne of and David Jackson and Daniel J Lewis. All rights reserved.


633- Podcasts can help grow camaraderie with fellow veterans

In this episode, we discuss how having a podcast with interviews from military veterans led me to meet a major actor and voice-over artist. The celebrity’s name was R. Lee. Ermy. He was a combat veteran of the Vietnam War in the US Marine Corps; and as a celebrity, he was an actor, a voice-over artist (from Toy Story), and an advocate for the support of US veterans. He achieved fame for his role as Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in the 1987 film Full Metal Jacket

Because of my podcast, I got a chance to meet and share camaraderie with R. Lee Ermy. Here are a few facts about my encounters with him.

  • I first met him in person at an event in Houston, Texas;
  • Next, I asked him for interview at another event in Austin for the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars). However, he was very upset and could not contain his disappointment to do an interview as he complained about the news that females were to be considered in the USMC for combat infantry (as this was news due to Political Correctness).;
  • However, he shared good moments and eventual humor with me later on for his portrayal of US Army paratroopers on D-Day, the 5th of June, in his tv series called MAIL CALL (although his frame of reference was the 101st Airborne Division parachute jump — albeit it was their first combat jump, while the 82nd Airborne Division already had 2 jumps in 1943; and they were the ones who trained the 101st before D-Day ) although June 5th was the first jump for the 101st before the D-Day landings on June 6th, because letters to mail call show wanted to get questions answered about paratroopers from the made-for-tv series called “Band of Brothers.” You see, the 82nd Airborne Division trained the 101st Airborne Division, and the 82nd made 4 combat jumps — for the D-Day  jump was the 3rd for the 82nd and was depicted in the book and movie by Cornelius Ryan called THE LONGEST DAY).
  • So instead, we just spoke together and became buddies and comrades-in-arms;
  • He then said that next time, he would be interviewed for my combat infantrymen podcast show — although he was all through with his poster signing and shut down his booth, but he kept on chatting with me outside the signing and distributing of his posters.
  • R Lee Ermy signed 2 posters for me at the end of our 30 minute conversation: one was “Semper Fi” (which I got for my brother) and the one for me was his sense of humor as an actor and voice-over artist which said “Airborne — MOST OF THE WAY” (as he was humorous in joking about the us army airborne’s motto of “All the way.”
  • We even got to talking about his proposed new television series about the military that he called “Gunny’s Heroes” (in which he wanted to use me as some research and play a cameo role in my original Vietnam combat uniform with all the gear that I used to wear);
  • However, I never got a chance to meet with him again (we had planned 2018 or 2019, but due to his failing health, he had passed away).

I would have never met him and I would never have been a comrade with him from the Vietnam War as a combat infantryman (and would have had a final interview with him) if it weren’t for the business card of my PODCAST SHOW called The Combat Infantrymen’s podcast show.

Thus, I wish to thank Dave Jackson for the idea and segment of his podcast show called The School of Podcasting in which he started the idea for me of the theme titled BECAUSE OF MY PODCAST

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2022, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and R Lee Ermy and Mail Call TV series and Dave Jackson and The School of Podcasting. All rights reserved.


BONUS — How to be a podcast guest — a guide

In this BONUS episode of The Podcast Reporter, we deliver the news of a free pdf document called “Podcast Guest Guide.”

This came as a promotion in an email note from And the summary of this very short pdf document (just seven pages) is as described:

“In this completely free guide from, you’ll learn:

1. The value of being a guest expert on podcasts
2. How to put your best foot forward to get booked as a guest
3. How to find and pitch podcasters
4. What you need to do to prepare as a guest
5. How to leverage your podcast guest appearances for maximum impact

No email address is required to download this guide — just click here to view the guide in PDF format! (Or right click and select “save as” to download it.)”

Now, after downloading and reviewing this guide, I feel that this could be of value to new or aspiring podcasters. As you step through this pdf document, the words of wisdom for preparation and to present the best of yourself are key.

For example, the ONE SHEET concept is a great one — it almost resembles the one-page resume that was so popular in the early 2000s for those who wanted to seek new employment. Yes, the site offers a resource to create a one-sheet document. And they suggest that you can send a prospective podcaster your own one-sheet resource for that individual to consider you and your qualifications to be a guest on a specific show.

In fact, the site also has not only a newsletter that has a listing of podcasts seeking guest for which you can enroll, but they also have a directory (where you can list yourself as a potential guest) in which you can have the podcasters seeking guests come to you.

Then the document gives some suggestions for preparation — both technically and for substantive subject matter content for an interview as a guest. By the way, for the right preparation for recording or joining a recording as a guest, you can refer to the checklist that is provided for free from The Audacity to Podcast from Daniel J Lewis. You can get a free copy of this “Pre-flight checklist” for recording in podcasting. The  better prepared you are, then the better your chances of having a great interview as a guest.

And, of course, one of the most important steps in being a guest or “being interviewed” is the follow-up — something that is covered and emphasized toward the end of the pdf document.

And speaking of follow-up, this is a good lead-in to bring to your attention what is said as a key step in a past podcast episode that discusses how to get the most out of “being interviewed.” In fact, you should be aware of some advice given in an evergreen podcast by Max Flight that deals with another side of a podcast guest — that of “Being Interviewed.” It describes the other aspects of being an interviewee that you should also consider:

In addition to these two resources, I also recommend an episode from the back-catalogue and archives of Daniel J Lewis from his show, The Audacity to Podcast, where he discusses being an interviewee, as well. These go farther and deeper into the action steps needed to be both a good interviewer and an excellent interviewee.

With these resources that we present, we hope that your skills as a podcaster can improve and that they will help you to succeed as a professional podcaster and a great guest for other shows in which you can be interviewed.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2021, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Max Flight and Daniel J Lewis and All rights reserved.