
566A- True history in podcast stories — a case study

Such good men from CIB:








In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we discuss one type of content for podcasters (especially senior or older podcasters) — that is, the stories of historical value and truth that we remember and are faced with daily from our own past, and which may cause flashbacks (and sometimes bring on an episode of PTSD).

I am referring to a photo that was taken over 50 years ago, while I was a combat infantrymen in the jungles of Vietnam during the war. This was a photo of which I clearly remembered the situation once I had seen it in a summer, 2021, issue of Vietnam Veterans of America magazine.


That’s right…the photo is of yours truly on a patrol in the mountains and jungles of Vietnam over 50 years ago. The articles surrounding this photo tells the story of 3 combat troops who were killed in action during that time.

The reason that this story is important for this podcast show is that memories like this can cause us to try to create and send a message out to willing audiences in the form of podcast shows and episodes.

Such was my case when, in 2008, I created a podcast show called the Combat Infantrymen’s podcast. It was going strong in 2017, when I had to podfade the show, due to health complications that I was suffering, as well as operations and hospitalization (mainly from complications due to Agent Orange exposure). In looking back (without going to my saved archives), I think I must have had between over 50 to 100 episodes in that show.

The creation of the podcast show and its episodes allowed me to send my message out to fellow combat infantrymen — not only during the Vietnam War, but also from WWII and Korea, etc. It also allowed me to purge some of the PTSD demons that haunted me, and it did give me (at times) some form of closure during the years of creating, producing, posting and publishing my podcast show. Also, I had grown closer to many brothers of mine who served in the War (many of whom were in the same Division and unit in which I was in), especially when I promoted the association that I was publishing this podcast show for. This was for the Combat Infantrymen’s Association — not only for the soldiers who fought in the war, but for their families and the relatives of those who did not make it home. We honored them.

For the Association was the main conduit of my stories, my interviews, my history and my content for all the episodes that I had published.

So, sometimes your own past history and stories can create good content for a welcomed audience that would appreciate your show and be appreciative of the content and the closure that you can provide, depending upon the stories.

So, from the stories that I had told about World War II paratroopers who earned the CIB (combat infantryman’s badge) when it was first issued in 1943 — and especially one paratrooper (D. G. Harris, RIP) who crossed the Waal River at the Nijmegen bridge in Holland during Operation Market Garden, as well as make 2 more combat jumps in Salerno and Sicily — to the tales of combat veterans during the Vietnam War, this podcast show delivered a unique VALUE to those veterans who consumed podcasts. However, today, there are several Vietnam Veteran podcast shows, including the Vietnam Veteran News with Mack Payne. Now, although Mack delivers a consistent stream of episodes, I tried to reach out to him to provide him with great stories from a combat infantrymen of myself in the 23rd Infantry Division (Americal), I have never received a reply. Well, so be it — all I wanted to do was to thank him for his show and respect to Vietnam Veterans and offer him some free content of interviews that I had done. But some podcasters will not want to respond to anyone who may contact them, for whatever reason. And that is their choice. So be it.

So, from this podcaster, I wish to tell you podcasters that some of the stories and history that you may have in your life may be great content to provide value to some of the audiences that you may not even realize may be hungry for your stories and interviews.

We hope that you, also, can find a way to get your own personal stories (when it makes sense to do so and when you are mentally and psychologically ready to share them) out to your new audiences. In this way, we hope you make your podcasting careers more successful.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2021, Matrix Solutions Corporation and . All rights reserved.


670- Update post-holiday season with Matt our co-host

As you may know, this podcast episode will be posted on both podcast shows, PODCAST REPORTER (at and 2030PODCAST (at

In this post-Holiday season episode of these shows, both Sgt Fred and Matt Cox deliver their greetings at holiday time, but also give a serious prediction for the coming times. Especially for this new year, we are grateful that both of us have survived and recovered from the terrible seasonal flu called “the 100-day cough” and flu.

Some of the topics to be covered here are:

  • Update on health and recovery for now;
  • Status of Camilla and the state of Charles III in the UK;
  • How the border crisis is coming along and the battle with Bo-Jiden;
  • Podcasting and how it is developing in the 21st century — with viewpoints from both Matt and Fred, and how pundits like Adam Curry, John C Dvorak and Daniel J Lewis;
  • Upcoming events for podcasters;
  • Fred’s reunion luncheon from December and the value of reunions
  • Planned travel and enlarging our worlds — but beware of cruise ship travel (as is told by the tales from the series CRUISE SHIP KILLERS);
  • and its origins and current marathons.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and Adam Curry and John C Dvorak and Daniel J Lewis and Charles III and and All rights reserved.


669- How reunions can give incentives for podcasting and small business

In this episode, we deliver an episode that will let you know how we can provide incentives and promote our own podcast shows.

The case-in-point will be from my own experience of having attended a type of reunion recently (i.e., “Golden Cubs” event). This will also relate to three other podcast shows that I have — Grumpy Old Bears, The Struggling Biz and 2030Podcast.

I had the opportunity to attend a reunion-type of event at my old high school (58 years ago). It was a gathering called “Golden Cubs” (since Cubs was our mascot) for those graduates who had graduated 50 years or more ago. The event was great, in my opinion.

At that event, I had not seen my classmates for over 26 years, especially since I had not been to a reunion since 1997, and also I had not traveled to the event due to my being far from its location and always in conflict with my prior career schedule and obligations of travel.

Well, I did get together with some great fellows (this was an all-men high school) and we had a chance to catch up on old times.

In particular, I was able to highlight my past and present career as a serial entrepreneur (after my retirement from corporate America), and I especially emphasized my role as a podcaster (in which I promoted my current 4 podcast shows), as well as my role as a podcast interviewer and as a podcast guest interviewee. This gave me an incentive and delivered excitement to me to describe my four shows. In fact, it was a “great shot in the arm” to give me more motivation and momentum to really enjoy podcasting as I had enjoyed it in the past when I first got into the podosphere.

I was also happy to see that some of my old classmates had also either started podcasting or had created content on YouTube, as well. It made me feel the excitement of almost being in a podcast conference once again — and it was a euphoric experience.

The discussion and meetings in the event lasted over 3 hours, and it left me with my commitment to those who organized the event to join their Zoom calls inbetween Golden Cub anniversaries, as well as the formal reunion events in the future. In fact, I did send emails of gratitude to my old companions, as well as photos of some of the content of my shows. I even sent them images from an episode in a  podcast interview that I did about my experiences after my return from the Vietnam War, in which I served as a Combat Infantryman (NOTE: the image came from both a Veterans magazine photo, as well as the time mark of 59 seconds of a documentary on YouTube called A Tribute to Those who served in Vietnam, which can be reached at the link of:

As you can see, the above was from an interview on, episode 2245.)

So, thus, even reunion events can be opportunities for a podcaster to promote his podcast shows, as well as educate others about the podosphere and deliver some links and images as a proof of concept to those classmates that are eager to listen and consume, as well as also share their own podcasting and content-creation experiences.

So, from this podcast reporter and struggling entrepreneur, I strongly encourage the incentive of promoting your shows at these events. It will definitely be a surge of momentum and excitement for you, as a podcaster.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and, and and All rights reserved.


668- When it is time to close a struggling entrepreneur business

In this episode, we shall publicly report that we will be sharing and distributing this episode and its content to both and The Struggling Biz podcast show, as well as 

We did have a remembrance of the attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941,  in a somber way. Too bad that the rest of the country hardly remembers that “day of infamy.”

You can see the album art for several of these podcast shows below:



So the key question should be:  When is it time to terminate or close down your entrepreneur startup business?

And we will discuss my key startup business, Matrix Solutions Corporation, as the major case-in-point.

In general, what would be some factors or reasons or environments that would have me consider shutting down my entrepreneurial business? We can try to list them, and we can then discuss them.

  • Health conditions;
  • Business customer situations;
  • Entrepreneur desires to continue;
  • Where hobbies are fun and desirable, yet the business environment is not;
  • Business conditions (i.e., paperwork, taxes, documentation and other secretarial-type work);
  • the need to “feel free to pursue other endeavors”; or
  • the need to just be “retired” with no responsibilities to business or requirements of tasks due;
  • and one of the most likely: the need to still be involved in business, but the customer environment and the condition of the business model is not suitable or desirable to pursue; and
  • the cost of keeping the business operating is creating a loss every year, due to customer, product, and other reasons — and this is NOT SUSTAINABLE; and
  • finally review the EXIT STRATEGY and EXIT PLAN for the business in the charter or business plan for the company.

So, one may ponder what needs to be done, what needs to be planned and what needs to be executed within a given time frame to exit the business legally and for good — although you may reserve the right to begin another entrepreneurial business, should a new technology or opportunity strike your desire to pursue another venture (health and other environment conditions permitting).

So we discuss these factors in a writing method commonly called “state of the mind” or additionally, “stream-of-consciousness” styles.

Most important is the condition of my health and the effects on it due to agent orange exposure and injuries caused when I was in Vietnam during the war as a combat infantryman in the jungles, mountains and rice paddies — as well as concussions due to parachute jump landings that caused injuries when I was a paratrooper with my second tour of duty in the 82nd Airborne Division.

As I mentioned, the stream-of-consciousness method was used in the latter part of the discussion recorded. I hope it was meaningful to you.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and and All rights reserved.


667- Podcasting — last frontier for free speech in spite of AI

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we deliver some thoughts as to the strength of podcasting today — including the fact that anyone can say anything and deliver content to specific audiences without the threat of being shut down, censored or inhibited (that is, if they wish to fight the corrupt lame-stream media).

Of course, this content will also be repurposed in the podcast show called under a different episode number.

What are these qualities and characteristics of podcasting that make it such a desirable tool for those (like myself) who wish NOT to be censored or corrupted by both the Democrats and the lame-stream media?

  • podcasting still does not succumb to tyrannical censorship or punishment for publishing content;
  • podcasting is still not under censorship (except by advertisers and the media);
  • podcasting allows the podcaster to deliver a message free of pressure or intimidation or prohibition, even though government wants to control and censor its content;
  • AI can be used to manipulate content by those who oppose free speech or try to censor it;
  • However, AI does NOT have to be used — the human element that can fully create, edit and publish humanly created content can still be a tool for free speech;
  • at this juncture, AI is still inferior to the thoughts and the minds of the free-thinking humans, and it is not sophisticated enough to become a credible source to censor a podcaster;
  • You can still create your content as a podcaster and publish it without the fear of the lame stream media and the social media corrupt platforms;
  • You still have a choice or two of podcast conferences where the woke element has not yet invaded and controlled attendance and expression — the worst of all conferences that has its tentacles for controlling free speech, open dialogue, expression and civil liberties is the notorious PODCAST MOVEMENT (and the audio will explain why);
  • Podcasting can be targeted at a single or multiple audiences, and the recipient of the content does NOT have to be weary or scared of the lame-stream media or the radical democrats or the censorship machine of politics to prevent reaching out to your audience (and the examples are cited in the audio).
  • Some key examples of the free speech of podcasting are in the shows called No Agenda with Adam Curry and John C Dvorak, Randumb Thoughts with Darren O’Neill, Grumpy Old Bens with Ryan Bemrose and Darren O’Neill — as well as several others who have their content streamed on
  • And remember, you can always use THE SINGLE HUMAN TOUCH AND ELEMENT in a podcast without the intrusion of any AI to try to control you.

Thus, we hope that you, too, can practice your freedom of speech and expression and publication by using the platforms of independent podcasting — yes, there is a minimal charge for tools and hosting services, but we feel that this may deliver to you the last area of free speech while the progressive and radical left try to control everything to their own narrative and exclude what is not theirs.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and No Agenda and Adam Curry and John C Dvorak, and Darren O’Neill and Ryan Bemrose.  All rights reserved.


665- Repurpose — the dangers of trying to rewrite history

NOTE: This is a repurposed episode — brought to you after our thoughts of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have passed for 2 months.

This was originally posted in August of this year, 2023, to deliver the clear examples of what the left is trying to do in order to attempt their purpose rewriting history to suit the narrative of their ideology.


In these episodes covering both and, we discuss the trend of the newer radical left to avoid reviewing history as it occurred. This year marks a departure from the National Day listings for both August 6th and August 9th — these are the days when the atomic bombs were used against Japan at Horoshima and Nagasaki to put an end to WWII and to save not only 500,000 American lives (i.e., those who would have died invading the Japanese islands), but also the millions of Japanese military and civilians who would have self-sacrificed themselves in the attempt of the invasion that would have begun in November, 1945.

So today is the 9th of August in this year of 2023 — that is, 78 years after the incidents of the use of nuclear weapons against an enemy during WWII.

But no one is batting an eye to remember these events — as they were truly important in the development of the world as it stands today. Remembering them is part of history, and it seems that there is a movement of trying to NOT remember them and pretend that they never occurred — and that we should just look the other way and not pass down the events (and the lessons from these events) to our younger generations.

As what once was said, those who forget history are doomed to repeat it again.

By the way, we also refer to 3 past movies that gave the history of the development of the bomb (Operation Manhattan Project):

  • Above and Beyond;
  • Beginning OR the end;
  • Fat Man and Little Boy.

Thank you for your attention and for listening.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Fat Man and Little Boy and Above and Beyond and Beginning or the End. All rights reserved.


664- Attempting to rewrite history can lead to a repeat

In these episodes covering both and, we discuss the trend of the newer radical left to avoid reviewing history as it occurred. This year marks a departure from the National Day listings for both August 6th and August 9th — these are the days when the atomic bombs were used against Japan at Horoshima and Nagasaki to put an end to WWII and to save not only 500,000 American lives (i.e., those who would have died invading the Japanese islands), but also the millions of Japanese military and civilians who would have self-sacrificed themselves in the attempt of the invasion that would have begun in November, 1945.

So today is the 9th of August in this year of 2023 — that is, 78 years after the incidents of the use of nuclear weapons against an enemy during WWII.

But no one is batting an eye to remember these events — as they were truly important in the development of the world as it stands today. Remembering them is part of history, and it seems that there is a movement of trying to NOT remember them and pretend that they never occurred — and that we should just look the other way and not pass down the events (and the lessons from these events) to our younger generations.

As what once was said, those who forget history are doomed to repeat it again.

Thank you for your attention and for listening.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Hiroshima and Nagasaki. All rights reserved.


701- Podcast Odyssey similar to Larry on trip for medical reasons

In this episode, we relate the details of a travel story and odyssey that I have just recently taken in a trip from California to Austin and back — and it is similar to a couple of episodes from the content of That Larry Show. In the recent episodes of that podcast show, the theme was “escape from Commie-fornia and Requiem for LA.” And this was such because Larry had also left the golden state permanently and headed east for freedom and liberty, where there are fewer radical-left influencers that try to control one’s freedoms and liberty.

As a podcaster, I am interested in an odyssey that has fruits to bear of adventure and entering a great welcome of happiness, especially when one is fleeing from a terrible environment. Think of the Greek classic poems by Homer and the attempt to return to Ithaca of the fabled Odysseus. For me, this makes for the setting of interesting content.

Now, if you listen to those episodes from Larry, you will see that he felt a sense of freedom and liberty when he saw only the image of California from his rear-view mirror. I suspect that his feeling of happiness was similar to those soldiers who had just returned from a tour of duty in Vietnam during the ’60’s, where the troops got on the tarmack when they deplaned upon their arrival and kissed the ground, and they swore that they would never leave the USA again.

Well, I had a similar experience when I saw the California border from my rear-view mirror as I entered Arizona. Within less than a mile, the price of gas went from $4.79 per gallon in California to $3.29 in Arizona. This was the first of many epiphanies that I experienced just from the nature of my surroundings.

And as my route to Williamson County in Texas increased eastward, I saw that the people were friendlier, the attitudes were more tolerant and that the life was better in the simplest of terms. And one reason of having the feeling of getting a burden off my shoulders was the thought that Gruesome New-Scum, the occupant of the California Capitol mansion, was finally gone, and that I was happy to be rid of him (even if only for a short while).

I could identify with the experience of our modern day Odysseus (that is, Larry) as I traveled to Williamson County in Texas. And, boy, did I feel a sense of relief and welcome when I went to visit some relatives who lived in that county (which is the same one as my abode) — the people were friendlier, the attitude was benevolent, and the experience was calm and welcoming. In fact, I even went to the county expo center for an event, and I found every one of the people there a welcome breath of fresh air — from the policeman at the entrance to the ticket takers to the people at the booths selling their food and wares. This is totally unlike the scenario painted by Larry about his experience (and mine) in what he calls “commie-fornia.”

I even went to an old-fashioned barber shop where the owner was cutting hair (and I had to wait for 3 others ahead of me) and being just friendly and talkative with every customer there.

I mention this theme because podcasts can be educational, entertaining, soothing, calming and just downright great as a vehicle for relaxation and friendliness — as I had experienced.

I encourage you to consume the episodes that I mention from Larry about his “escape” from the “ascoes” and his search for the “lutfas.”

I will have more details about my own odyssey and my return back to the “golden state” in the midst of a terrible heat wave that ran across 90 per cent of my traveled ground in an air-conditioned SUV.

I feel that these topics are important to me, as my life is now shortened due to my medical conditions as I suffer from complications from the old Vietnam War “agent orange.” In fact, the image here shows the true extent of my condition and the sense of urgency for me to share with my audience the importance of “peace of mind” and the worth of life.

In the meantime, thank you for your attention and for listening. And we will definitely see you next time in an episode of this podcast show.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and All rights reserved.


662- Salute to the greatest generation and the advent of the worst generation

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter show, we deliver to you a stream-of-consciousness discussion as we sadly are delivering a tribute and bidding farewell to those of THE GREATEST GENERATION while we are seeing the advent of evil from THE WORST GENERATION toward the trend to 2030.

Now, this is a repurposed episode from the 2030 Podcast show with the same title.

NOW, What was the GREATEST GENERATION and how did that name arise and how was it praised?

– The noted correspondent and news personality — especially Jennings, etc. — solidified by the serial documentary “THE 20TH CENTURY: AMERICA’S TIME”

– The lessons learned by 17 million Americans who rose up to the cause for WWII and Korea:

* they learned what it was to fight a real war for the country;

* they learned to appreciate the values of freedom

* they valued the liberty of the nation and they were grateful for what they had when they returned — and for the opportunities that they were offered when they returned home or after their sacrifice for serving;

* they appreciated the strong, traditional values of hard work that would lead to success, as well as the education offerings from the GI Bill to help them on their road to career offerings;

* they valued the essence of THE AMERICAN DREAM and the road to achieve that in their lives:

– the value and appreciation of raising a family;

–  the value of having a rule of law and of logic;

– the belief in the goodness of Man and the ability to help others, while paving their way to their own success;

– the ability to reap the rewards of their own Judaeo-Christian legacies and respect the religions and beliefs of others;

– the essence of spirituality in life while believing in the goodness of religious beliefs;

– for many, the attitude of patriotism and service to the country that defended those beliefs.

When did this start to change?

– blame Mario Savio and the Berkley protests, demonstrations and riots by the younger college crows that said that GOD WAS DEAD and refused to serve their military obligations as citizens;

– blame the “drug generation” from the “beat generation” that wanted only to “tune in, turn on and drop out.”

– blame the draft dodgers and those who refused to take responsibility for themselves in trying to make a better life for themselves instead of protesting and wanting everything given to them because they felt that they were entitled to it;

– blame the ENTITLEMENT GENERATION who would believe only in rainbows and unicorns and the belief that everyone gets a participation trophy instead of being competitive in the local and world stage.

– blame the government and the military industrial complex for lies to the American public;

– blame the spoiled children like Jane Fonda and draft dodgers like Bill Clinton and phonies like John Kerry that influenced the younger generations in contrary beliefs about service, sacrifice and citizenship;

– blame the politicians who saw greed and selfishness as the ultimate road to power, and to keep themselves in power while being influenced by the evil beings like Soros and evil programs to chip away at the American Dream;

The result is the growth of the radical left (they call themselves progressives, but they are really the vanguard for a destructive world of entitlements and power-seekers for big government and control of the population by exploiting the people’s goodness) and the extremists who call others extremists by living the playbook of the communists and Marxists.

So, are there any hopes for goodness and values to come in the future?

The greatest generation fought in WWII, so they are now in the 90s and late 90s (some over 100 years old)  — and they are quickly leaving our lives due to death. The younger generations who are self-centered and feel “entitled” to everything with no regard to service or sacrifice or the American Dream or giving back to the nation that allowed them to have the benefits of their lives — these are the underlings who will soon realize that they are more worthless as citizens or humans because of such “progressive” beliefs from the radical left.

So we have progressed in the past in the second half of the 20th century  to an awesome world and environment of possibilities and achievements and the ability of finding success to the current modern environment of doubt, uncertainty, and valueless idiots that believe only in being entitled for no reason except in their scattered brains — and especially with no hopes for family, future and spiritual ideals that helped to create what we had before in the “greatest generation.”

And so for the first half of the twenty-first century, we see the that this generation is absolutely the WORST GENERATION that will lead to the fall of the accomplishments and tasks achieved by those who valued education and service and sacrifice. Instead of heroes who could have helped all Mankind, you have evil villains like Soros, Bill Gates, Nancy Pelosi, Greta Tunberg and AOC that is now bringing down any success from the past.

The only thing that today’s WORST GENERATION can offer to you and yours is the evil of an ominous future outlined by what George Orwell told us in his novel, 1984, as well as the movie, Soylent Green.

The WORST GENERATION is filled with leaders who want surveillance of everyone and who will actually behave like “Big Brother” to you and yours in the upcoming struggle between good and evil.

We certainly will be following the trends that may take us to the year 2030 with perhaps a more positive outlook. We will advise you of our viewpoints as the attempted exploitations occur.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and All rights reserved.


661- Combining episode content — recovering from internet hack

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we deliver a method of combining several podcast episodes into one piece of content. As you know, we are recovering from a hack from an internet bad actor — and so we “catch up” in our episodes by having one piece of content (in this episode) cover both The 2030 Podcast Show, as well as the Podcast Reporter show. And we do so with an episode with my co-host from the show, Matt Cox.

Matt Cox – Podcaster

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter show, as well as the 2030 Podcast show, both Sgt Fred and Matt Cox (the latter who is the podcaster for the show, Brunch with the Brits) deliver our viewpoints on some key trends toward 2030 and provide content for this podcast show.

Now, recently, we had to publish episode 128 of The 2030 Podcast show with what was a back-up plan when a bad actor in the podosphere had impacted our WordPress content management system and had shut it down for a while. We actually went and published the original content of what would have been episode 128 of the podcast show with a substitute for our listeners — and that was episode 660 from my other podcast show (as backup per our plans) called The Podcast Reporter.

However, as we have seemed to have recovered from the earlier problem, Matt and I are now ready to discuss our viewpoints on the following topics that are trends to 2030:

  • The resolution of the debt ceiling debate;
  • The discussion of what ecocide is and how the ICC may try and extort money from the US due to complications from the Vietnam War [note: we spoke about this in the preceding episode];
  • The status of the monarchy in the UK with Camilla and Harry Windsor;
  • The fight over forgiveness of student loan debt — although Congress passes legislation NOT to forgive it, Bo-Jiden will veto;
  • The fight for the WHO to control the world as they try to censor information except for their own narrative and to launch a treaty before the next worldwide PLANDEMIC; as a matter of fact, this is by plan to be Plandemic #3, and you can follow the details in this URL: PLANDEMIC #3 — THE GREAT AWAKENING;
  • The Biden Crime Family and its evil and lies that are cast out from the mouths of the evil radical democrats – adding to the saying today that “the USA is now a banana republic, but with a vegetable for a leader;
  • The brain-dead Bo-Jiden in his attempt to go around the constitution and congress in order to enact tyrannical laws (e.g., student loan forgiveness and election laws);
  • The China Spy post in Cuba — and how ridiculously the Democrats and radical left try to blame Trump in the lame-stream media;
  • How the State Dept. meeting with China only goes to show how the USA has given up to China, and that the Chinese are bullying the USA;
  • Perhaps good news — the elements of time and aging may produce our farewell to George Soros for good;
  • “The evil that men do…” in the form of Bill Gates and his possible poisoning of food in the USA;
  • the proposed 28th amendment by Gruesome Newsom in California is an example of showboating;
  • ridiculous promotion by THE VIEW — constitutional amendment to prevent Trump from being president; also, by other podcasters — amendment to have Arnold Schwarzenegger run for president.


Thank you for your attention and for listening to us. From Sgt. Fred and Matt, we wish to say that we’ll see you next time.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and and Mack Payne of All rights reserved.