
701- Podcast Odyssey similar to Larry on trip for medical reasons

In this episode, we relate the details of a travel story and odyssey that I have just recently taken in a trip from California to Austin and back — and it is similar to a couple of episodes from the content of That Larry Show. In the recent episodes of that podcast show, the theme was “escape from Commie-fornia and Requiem for LA.” And this was such because Larry had also left the golden state permanently and headed east for freedom and liberty, where there are fewer radical-left influencers that try to control one’s freedoms and liberty.

As a podcaster, I am interested in an odyssey that has fruits to bear of adventure and entering a great welcome of happiness, especially when one is fleeing from a terrible environment. Think of the Greek classic poems by Homer and the attempt to return to Ithaca of the fabled Odysseus. For me, this makes for the setting of interesting content.

Now, if you listen to those episodes from Larry, you will see that he felt a sense of freedom and liberty when he saw only the image of California from his rear-view mirror. I suspect that his feeling of happiness was similar to those soldiers who had just returned from a tour of duty in Vietnam during the ’60’s, where the troops got on the tarmack when they deplaned upon their arrival and kissed the ground, and they swore that they would never leave the USA again.

Well, I had a similar experience when I saw the California border from my rear-view mirror as I entered Arizona. Within less than a mile, the price of gas went from $4.79 per gallon in California to $3.29 in Arizona. This was the first of many epiphanies that I experienced just from the nature of my surroundings.

And as my route to Williamson County in Texas increased eastward, I saw that the people were friendlier, the attitudes were more tolerant and that the life was better in the simplest of terms. And one reason of having the feeling of getting a burden off my shoulders was the thought that Gruesome New-Scum, the occupant of the California Capitol mansion, was finally gone, and that I was happy to be rid of him (even if only for a short while).

I could identify with the experience of our modern day Odysseus (that is, Larry) as I traveled to Williamson County in Texas. And, boy, did I feel a sense of relief and welcome when I went to visit some relatives who lived in that county (which is the same one as my abode) — the people were friendlier, the attitude was benevolent, and the experience was calm and welcoming. In fact, I even went to the county expo center for an event, and I found every one of the people there a welcome breath of fresh air — from the policeman at the entrance to the ticket takers to the people at the booths selling their food and wares. This is totally unlike the scenario painted by Larry about his experience (and mine) in what he calls “commie-fornia.”

I even went to an old-fashioned barber shop where the owner was cutting hair (and I had to wait for 3 others ahead of me) and being just friendly and talkative with every customer there.

I mention this theme because podcasts can be educational, entertaining, soothing, calming and just downright great as a vehicle for relaxation and friendliness — as I had experienced.

I encourage you to consume the episodes that I mention from Larry about his “escape” from the “ascoes” and his search for the “lutfas.”

I will have more details about my own odyssey and my return back to the “golden state” in the midst of a terrible heat wave that ran across 90 per cent of my traveled ground in an air-conditioned SUV.

I feel that these topics are important to me, as my life is now shortened due to my medical conditions as I suffer from complications from the old Vietnam War “agent orange.” In fact, the image here shows the true extent of my condition and the sense of urgency for me to share with my audience the importance of “peace of mind” and the worth of life.

In the meantime, thank you for your attention and for listening. And we will definitely see you next time in an episode of this podcast show.

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