
675- Renaissance man five times over into podcasting

In this episode, we bring to life yet another impromptu discussion and description of how Sgt. Fred has been a Renaissance Man four times over in life — and now five — and now is in his next Renaissance during his life — and all these are part of the story given in the accounts of his other podcast (which is still in the making) called the Real Academy of Life.


The stages of life which Sgt. Fred underwent a Renaissance experience were the following:

  • From a high school student worker and academic scholar to become an award-winning dramatic actor and public speaker;
  • From a University student to become a fraternity brother who improved the fraternity organization;
  • From a depressed and mixed-up student to become a military man that became an Airborne Paratrooper and combat infantryman in the jungles, rice paddies and mountains of Vietnam during the war;
  • From a veteran student joining the university world again to finish his degrees (both BA and MBA) to become a part-time faculty member of a university, as well as a dancer with a professional dance group (including a 10-year stint as a university dance instructor) — and then going out and becoming a serial entrepreneur in the area of the techno-industrial environment;
  • From the veteran retiree in corporate America as a corporate instructor and professional podcaster and new media content creator  (where he had 16 podcast shows in 2006 to 2020, including The Struggling  Entrepreneur, Podcast Reporter, the 2030 Podcast, Grumpy Old Bears, and 10 other podcasts) — and especially with those who influenced him, such as Adam Curry and Dave Jackson;
  • and the final Renaissance that is now in the beginning stages of being a retired podcaster and interviewer.

However, these experiences do NOT wipe away nor ignore the feelings of both shame and guilt from the memory of Sgt. Fred, as well as the feelings of regret in the area of personal relationships.

With a more mature outlook on life — both past and present and possible future — Sgt. Fred will continue in the podosphere for both his current podcast shows, as well as new episodes in his REAL ACADEMY OF LIFE.

Copyright (c) 2024, Matrix Solutions Corporation and


Bonus episode -671- We podcast together amidst weather and illness

In this episode (which is going to be posted on both and, my co-host, Matt Cox, and myself will be catching up after illness and bad, rainy weather on the situations with the following topics:

  • the “loser-states” and their politics finally hit home, with both the New-Scum governor and the candidate for the Senate from Commie-fornia, Schiff (who was censured from the House of Representatives for lying and other acts against good faith);
  • an update from Matt about the situation across the pond, namely Charles III and the unwanted Camilla (especially the cancer situation with the King and the hope of having a good king on the throne with William, Prince of Wales);
  • Upcoming elections — both good and bad — on the local scenes both in Commie-fornia and Texas;
  • The setting for podcasting today and in the near future — especially with the threats of being persecuted and marginalized and canceled, etc.;
  • The situation with the Swifties and both Kelce and his girlfriend — and how this may upset both football, as well as the upcoming elections;
  • The horrible situation with democrats and the feebleness of Bo-Jiden and his dementia and possible alzheimers;
  • Sad situation for Vietnam Veterans today — since they are dying every day at an alarming rate;
  • The ridiculous situation and request by Maddow the “mad-cow” as she asks that no one reveal or talk about injuries or harm from the “vaccinations” as the anti-vaxers will pick this up and enumerate on the truth;
  • update on movies — e.g., Oppeneheimer, Archie (Cary Grant) and others;
  • The lies about electric vehicles and the promotions by the democrats (especially AOC);
  • The stupidity of Nikki Haley and her funding;
  • Upcoming travels and important dates to keep;
  • The ridiculous lies told by Bo-Jiden at the State of the Union rant by a demented man suffering from near Alzheimers, and the stupid chant from the females on THE VIEW screaming “4 more years” — how idiotic is that?
  • the FAIREST and most evenly reviewed discussion of the SOTU was from No Agenda show by Adam Curry and John C Dvorak from the Sunday show’s first hour on 10March2024;
  • the rebuttal by the GOP by Katie Britt, senator from Alabama — where some mothers in the USA favorably reacted, as stated in this video:
  • And this important reflection from Bill O’Reilly on 8March24:


After the State of the Union speech, we need to include the following aspects that Bill O’Reilly pointed out today:
President Biden got through the State of the Union with good energy.  Nothing new.  Not admitting he made any mistakes.  Here are some of my real time observations.

Mr. Biden looks frail.  First up, attacks Trump over NATO.  Second tells Putin that we will not “bow down.”  Then tries to tie January 6th into Ukraine – threat to democracy.  Blames Trump.

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Catholic Joe segues into “reproductive freedom.”  Ten o’clock mass tomorrow?

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Joe says he’s creating American jobs right here in America. Okay, then.

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

So we are 25 minutes into the speech and nothing new at all.  Spoke too fast.  The President says he’ll give Americans $4,800 a year if they buy a home.  Vote buying?  Surely. #StateOfTheUnion

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Biden wants corporations to pay ” their fair share”, where have we heard that before?  Joe will impose ” fairness.”  Uh-oh.

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Mr. Biden rolling on the class warfare front.  He’s going after the wealthy in order to fund the “working people.” Socialism here we come.  Bernie Sanders exhausted from applauding.

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Bernie Sanders wearing a mask. Excellent news.

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Biden says he wants to cut down the “backlog” of migrant cases. Republicans hooting him. Simple question:  who created the backlog?

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Biden totally booting the border analysis.  Says his heart goes out to the family of Laken Riley.  So, why didn’t he call them?

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

President says America is safer today than when he took office.  Meanwhile, the Democrat Governor of New York is sending the National Guard into the subway to protect folks.

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Did you know Kamala Harris is in charge of the White House office of gun violence? I didn’t. The President just said that. Does Kamala know?


Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and All rights reserved.


669- How reunions can give incentives for podcasting and small business

In this episode, we deliver an episode that will let you know how we can provide incentives and promote our own podcast shows.

The case-in-point will be from my own experience of having attended a type of reunion recently (i.e., “Golden Cubs” event). This will also relate to three other podcast shows that I have — Grumpy Old Bears, The Struggling Biz and 2030Podcast.

I had the opportunity to attend a reunion-type of event at my old high school (58 years ago). It was a gathering called “Golden Cubs” (since Cubs was our mascot) for those graduates who had graduated 50 years or more ago. The event was great, in my opinion.

At that event, I had not seen my classmates for over 26 years, especially since I had not been to a reunion since 1997, and also I had not traveled to the event due to my being far from its location and always in conflict with my prior career schedule and obligations of travel.

Well, I did get together with some great fellows (this was an all-men high school) and we had a chance to catch up on old times.

In particular, I was able to highlight my past and present career as a serial entrepreneur (after my retirement from corporate America), and I especially emphasized my role as a podcaster (in which I promoted my current 4 podcast shows), as well as my role as a podcast interviewer and as a podcast guest interviewee. This gave me an incentive and delivered excitement to me to describe my four shows. In fact, it was a “great shot in the arm” to give me more motivation and momentum to really enjoy podcasting as I had enjoyed it in the past when I first got into the podosphere.

I was also happy to see that some of my old classmates had also either started podcasting or had created content on YouTube, as well. It made me feel the excitement of almost being in a podcast conference once again — and it was a euphoric experience.

The discussion and meetings in the event lasted over 3 hours, and it left me with my commitment to those who organized the event to join their Zoom calls inbetween Golden Cub anniversaries, as well as the formal reunion events in the future. In fact, I did send emails of gratitude to my old companions, as well as photos of some of the content of my shows. I even sent them images from an episode in a  podcast interview that I did about my experiences after my return from the Vietnam War, in which I served as a Combat Infantryman (NOTE: the image came from both a Veterans magazine photo, as well as the time mark of 59 seconds of a documentary on YouTube called A Tribute to Those who served in Vietnam, which can be reached at the link of:

As you can see, the above was from an interview on, episode 2245.)

So, thus, even reunion events can be opportunities for a podcaster to promote his podcast shows, as well as educate others about the podosphere and deliver some links and images as a proof of concept to those classmates that are eager to listen and consume, as well as also share their own podcasting and content-creation experiences.

So, from this podcast reporter and struggling entrepreneur, I strongly encourage the incentive of promoting your shows at these events. It will definitely be a surge of momentum and excitement for you, as a podcaster.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and, and and All rights reserved.


570- Disruption vs Safety in podcasting — even being grumpy

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we discuss the theme of being a disrupter or non-conformist or illogical crusader vs. the safe thing to do in podcasting.

The inspiration for this episode came from the podcast micro-episode from Todd Henry in The Daily Creative. The episode based its topic on the theme of: “When you always choose the safest route you take the greatest risk of all: never knowing what you might be truly capable of accomplishing.” (From July 7, 2021). Thus, we speak about the conflict of accepting some risk and taking some chances vs. minimizing risk in making business decisions.

Evo Terra has been known as a “disrupter” in the area of creativity in podcasting and business.  His show of Podcast Pontifications outlines this in the changes he makes to his show and the topics he delivers with new ideas and suggestions for podcasters to make the entire area of podcasting better for everyone.

Evo has always promoted pushing the limit in your expectations and your delivery of solutions, seeking for new areas to improve your business and your podcasting experiences — and thus, to make your podcast more successful. So Evo’s “disruption” promotes more on the risk-taking, but he also cautions to have a back-up plan and exit strategy, as well as not putting all your cash and all your eggs in one basket. And any good entrepreneur and podcaster should always have an exit strategy or several back-up strategies, especially in this day and age of unknown futures for the media and the business environment.

One example of being a non-conformist and a “gentle” type of disrupter is the new show called Grumpy Old Bears that launched in later 2021. This disruption from the safer method of the cookie-cutter approach to podcasting was initiated more for fun (with the emphasis on humor and a cynical approach to the topics — and thus, the grumpiness), but in response to the woke-based lame-stream media and the cancel culture for those who did not agree with the radical left in their idiotic ideas and ideology. In fact, this called for even creating an alter-ego voice for the main character, Mr. Bear, who will lead the way in impatient grumpiness to make way for segues and for topic discussion and introduction.

The Grumpy Old Bear in podcasting

Thus, we hope that you can choose to consume the episodes of The Daily Creative, as most of the topics can be related to success in small business, startups and entrepreneurs. Likewise, we also suggest that you review the podcast shows of Evo Terra and his Podcast Pontifications show — for you will find the challenges that Evo gives us in his life-long mission (which is “to make podcasting better for us.”)

If you do, we sincerely wish that you find VALUE in the daily delivery of these topics (now covered in over 5 books by Todd Henry, as well), so that your business and your podcasts will be successful in meeting — and surpassing — your objectives for success.

We also hope that if you review the Grumpy Old Bears podcast show, you can get some humor out of it — as well as some education and even controversy which can make you think a bit and consider the lighter side of today’s stressful environment.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2021, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Todd Henry and Evo Terra and All rights reserved.