
677- Can all presidents poop in their pants for 2030

In this episode, both Matt and Sgt. Fred discuss the evils and lies of the radical left, as well as their slipping followers, now that the public is finally feeling the pangs of the evil administration under Bo-Jiden.

In this discussion, which is impromptu and unrehearsed, they also are ready to check in with the latest on the UK and its royalty, as well as the evil policies of both Commie-fornia and the White house occupant (i.e., Bo-Jiden, since he is not really “our president”).

In this episode, the following key points are made:

  • The plight of the royal family in the UK and what it means to the US and the rest of the world;
  • The ridicule worldwide as Bo-Jiden probably pooped in his pants for his own D-Day (should be “P-Day”);
  • the shame of Hunter Biden and his evil doings (include referring to his father as “the big guy” to whom bribes must be paid);
  • the refusal to prosecute and punish Merrick Garland for contempt of congress in matters of audio recordings that would show that Bo-Jiden was involved in criminal bribery;
  • The ridiculous mentions of Greta Thunberg, now that she is no longer a climate-change spokes-hole, but a radical activist for-hire;
  • The mentions in the podcast where Cuomo does double-talk, but suggests the scam of useless “vaccines” that do damage to our bodies (and promoted by the Bill Gates Foundation), while at the same time refusing to say that they are harmful and ineffective (not “safe and effective”);
  • the discussion of the Palestinian terrorists in the past roles (i.e., the 1972 Munich Olympics, the 1976 Entebbe hijack, the 2023 massacres in Gaza, etc.) and the coverage in documentaries of the past evils of the PLO and other pro-Palestinian groups;
  • the SCOTUS striking down the ban on gun-stocks;
  • the ridiculous EV-promotion in the US, with thousands of EVs here sitting in the desert and other locations because people have stopped buying them en masse — and where are the 500,000 charging stations, BoJiden and New-Scum?
  • the lame-stream presenting the pro-Biden “debate” upcoming with the “new rules”;
  • the item in today’s show how google can manipulate the vote up to 25 million votes in 2024;

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