
681- Key indicators and democrat untruths on the road to 2030

In this episode, we return from a short break to ponder the near future and what it means that can influence and affect the upcoming year 2030, for us and for the world. Of course, Sgt. Fred and Matt Cox deliberate on the the key area to discuss — the upcoming election of 2024.

We will touch upon the following points:

  • How the debate was prejudicially set of 3-vs-1 with the “moderators” who did not moderated Harris — but they violated the rules of the debate against Trump;
  • the lies told by Harris  — e.g., fine people and ;
  • How Harris will NEVER take any questions in a press conference and how she will NEVER address any issue in any debate — she is the master of “word salad” and changing the subject to what she memorized as the questions were given to her ahead of time;
  • How Taylor Swift has endorsed Harris with emotion, not facts;
  • How Bernie Sanders said that she will say anything to get elected, but after that, they (the communists and socialists) can do whatever they want;
  • How the Bo-Jiden administration is now trying to enact Trump policies (like tariffs) just right before the election in a clearly hypocritical situation, along with what they mentioned on the border;
  • the reality of Haitians eating animals in fact;
  • video of persuasion with link mentioned by Matt; The name of the subject was:      at this link:
  • Brief update on the UK and Europe;
  • Brief review of the movie REAGAN;

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