
637- BONUS- Podcasting and entrepreneurs for 2023- a perspective

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter show, we look at the role of entrepreneurs for the coming year of 2023 from the perspective of a struggling entrepreneur — namely myself.

One of the reasons for this point of view is the probability of a new or an aspiring small business entrepreneur of reaching success in a certain direction or with the support of the current and near-future media to assist in helping to spread the word of his solutions for different clients, as well as the possible revenue that one should expect in reality and not in pure hope.

Well, one of the aspects of New Media today is the successful growth and expansion of the podosphere to include millions of podcast shows — and more importantly, the ability to monetize them. So for yourself as an entrepreneur, you may wish to examine how podcasting can create assets that will generate revenue streams for you.

In fact, there is a presentation that I gave at a Podcast conference that outlines how multiple revenue streams can add to the value of your business and generate success for you. The presentation link is given here, under the image of the title page of the presentation — and you can view the presentation with PowerPoint.


Now, in addition to the revenue streams that I, myself, mentioned in my presentation, there is another authority that may be of greater value in creating plans for generating successful revenue streams. This authority comes from a book by Dave Jackson  (who is a podcaster with his show, School of Podcasting) with the book’s title being “Profit from Your Podcast”:

This book lists many ways for an entrepreneur to create methods of creating multiple revenue streams. And having been in podcasting since 2005, Dave has experience from his own career, as well as stories from successful startups and entrepreneurs and small business owners of how to add to their income — and some of them have even left their day-jobs and external careers to become full-time podcasters and make podcasting their sole living.

So, what does this mean in terms of success perspectives for 2023?

Perhaps you can ADD to your business by creating and incorporating podcasts as an asset that will bring multiple revenue streams for you within a few months (depending upon which ones you select and wish to plan for and execute and follow up).

In fact, you do not even have to KNOW how to podcast, for you can get tutorials, courses and learning assets that can step you through the process — or you can hire others to do the basic grunt work to get your podcast show created, get the episodes up and running and get the web site, the management system (like WordPress) and the marketing and show notes and promotion, as well as the follow up and planning to review and monitor the progress and success of your show.

Here is where Dave Jackson’s book can assist you in creating and selling your own products via podcasting, as well as sponsorship (i.e., advertising ads within episodes), in addition to affiliate marketing and crowdfunding in addition to sales at live events, or   courses and webinars.

My perspective is that here is where the difference will be in adding more revenue and profit within your business with the sleeping giant of podcasting. However, not all revenue streams will be large and immediate. The PATIENCE factor  lies here for the podcaster to create, plan and monitor the growth of the revenue streams and their value for months and even years.

But 2023 could be the start of an addition to the entrepreneur for growing your revenues with assets that will definitely add value to your proposed audiences.

So I salute you in 2023 with my perspective of the “sleeping giant” for new revenue streams for your business with the addition of podcasting to add to your success of your business.

Thank you for your attention, and thanks for listening.

Copyright (c) 2022, Matrix Solutions Corporation and  All rights reserved.


627- Podcasters — the next generation of entrepreneurs

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter show, we deliver a REPURPOSED episode of an article that I had written, and which did appear both in a podcast episode in 2007 of The Struggling Entrepreneur podcast show, as well as earlier in 2020 within this show.

I feel that we can learn a lot from the past about how the podosphere started and how content creators used podcasting to become struggling entrepreneurs. Thus, we look back in our history about podcasting.

So, in this repurposed episode of, we narrate a published article from the older Podcast User magazine (now podfaded) with evergreen content about the stage of new podcasters entering the podosphere.

Cover page of article from PODCAST USER Magazine

The name of the article is “Are podcasters the next generation of struggling entrepreneurs?” and it was created by myself, Fred Castaneda.

This was originally published in the older Podcast User magazine as hardcopy in issue 21, pages 39-40. Then it was narrated in the podcast show The Struggling Entrepreneur, and more recently in the small business podcast show called The Struggling Biz.  And so it is now repurposed from this latter podcast show, as it was published as the prior episode number 56 in 2020.

As you will hear in this podcast audio episode, the key questions concerning monetization of podcasts within the podosphere for those solo-preneurs and other small business owners.

I hope that this episode will deliver value of asking you to contemplate some key thoughts in your possible quest to monetization.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2020-2022, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Podcast User Magazine. All rights reserved.


512- Different types of -preneurs to start up a small business

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we discuss the various methods of having your podcast assist in starting a small business, but not as the typical entrepreneur. We focus on the different types of “-preneurs” today.

As you will hear in this audio episode (which has been repurposed from another episode), we focus on several types of small business entities — and one of them may suit you, especially if you are a new or aspiring podcaster, or want to become a professional podcaster that wants to create revenue streams for your podcast show in your business.

So whether you wish to become an entrepreneur (in the conventional definition), or whether circumstances have forced you to become a “necessity-preneur”; or whether your end of service in the military is appropriate for you to become a “vetrepreneur“; or your strong desires have you wish to become a “want-repreneur”; or whether you are wanting to become a present-day “hobby-preneur” who will later monetize the podcast and create a startup as a result — the field of podcasting may suit your needs and give you the ability to enter the world of startups and small businesses with a jump-start.

The image of the Vetrepreneur site is at:

102- Vetrepreneur

And there are courses that can help you from the ground up to create a startup. One mentioned in the audio podcast is the course from Stanford University called “How to start a startup” — which still has much evergreen content at:

So if you are an aspiring or new podcaster with thoughts of becoming a small business owner, we hope that you will find one of these “-preneurs” suitable for you as your entry into the world of entrepreneurship.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2021, Matrix Solutions Corporation . All rights reserved.


508- Can Podcasting work for you — from Ben Krueger

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we deliver some thoughts and link to a podcast episode from Ben Krueger, a podcaster from the show

In a post titled “Will podcasting work for you?” Ben delivers his suggestions to incorporate podcasting successfully in your business and have it be a profitable component for success.

He states:

As podcasting is on an uprise, businesses are wondering if it’s the right marketing tool for growth and sales.

If you’ve been pondering whether podcasting will work for you, then you don’t want to miss this episode. I’m diving into defining your desired outcome, niche, market, and how to find your online communities. You’ll learn why a niche resonates well with podcast listeners, whether your target audience is already using tech, and why it’s okay if you don’t have a product/service to offer just yet.

LISTEN TO: Will Podcasting Work For You? >

Now, having known Ben since 2014 (when I shared an exhibitor table with him at the very first Podcast Movement conference, I know that he is a well-known and successful podcaster, mentor and entrepreneur. His episodes of his show have made a lot of sense, and he has given away a lot of gems for business and podcasting for free in his blog posts, his emails and his episodes.

Ben Krueger

In this selection from the link above, Ben covers the topics (more about the entrepreneur point-of-view) of whether or not podcasting can be right for you and your business:

  • “How to define the outcome you desire with your podcast and business.
  • Why a niche resonates well with podcast listeners.
  • Find out if your target audience is already using tech.
  • The perfect business types for Cashflow podcasting.
  • That it’s ok if you don’t have a product/service to offer just yet.”

So, this is a mini-episode (which is part 3 of a 3-part program) that covers these topics in 19 minutes delivers links to other resources that you may be interested in. For example, he describes the “podcast litmus test” with the principle from Dr. Steven Covey (“Begin with the end in mind.” from THE SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE). 

We hope that this episode can help you as an entrepreneur that can plan to include podcasting as a revenue stream for your business. We hope that you can improve on your niche for creating a podcast and implementing successful strategies which are described in his episode.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2021, Matrix Solutions Corporation and Ben Krueger of All rights reserved.


496- From podcasting hobby-preneur to full-time podcaster

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we deliver a REPURPOSED podcast episode on the topic of examining a case study of becoming a full-time podcasting entrepreneur from an earlier status as a hobby-preneur. We do this without music intro or outro, as the episode was recorded in an empty hotel lounge with construction and other ambient noise on a portable recorder.

As you will hear in this REPURPOSED audio episode, a hobby that you can pick up and enjoy (because you may have a “passion” for it) can be a “labor of love” at first. For me, it was podcasting. And then, after a while, your expertise will grow and you may see others in the podosphere being successful in monetizing podcasts within their businesses. And this activity may spawn the desire inside you to join the small business owners who podcast and make revenue from that hobby that can now become a revenue stream (toward perhaps a full-time business activity within your entrepreneurship).

And so, the passion that I had led me to create more podcasts. And then you can compare other environments and see how you can be a small business and lead the way with podcasting. In this case study, I actually compared my podcasting to working with automobiles — developing a hobby to become eventually a small business or startup or entrepreneurship.

Now, I have had prior experience in starting businesses since 1980. And so, I used the “hobby” and put it in “idle” mode, running and available for me — until the time arrives for me to be serious about the podcasting environment and move into the podosphere when I would launch an entrepreneurial venture and possibly be FULL-TIME. And I would position podcasting within the business environment, business model and create content or be a consultant. And, as you will hear, I did go down the path of being a luminary and subject-matter expert, a solution provider, then a trusted advisor, and finally a THOUGHT LEADER.

Perhaps you can relate your own situation with my story — especially if you want to become a thought leader and starting from a hobby.

We hope that you will enjoy this story of how I took a “hobby” and became a “hobby-preneur” and then moved into an entrepreneurial venture with podcasting. Although this episode was originally slated for a podcast show that was called “Boomers for Startups” (which has podfaded), it may provide evergreen content that can provide relevant VALUE to the aspiring and new podcasters.

Thank you for your attention.

NOTE: We do not have the active links which were mentioned toward the end of the episode, because they were out-of-date and many have been withdrawn. Thus, we just will go with the audio for the show of this REPURPOSED episode.

Also, we addressed the “necessity-preneur” in another episode, because with the virus crisis, many may have the NEED to become an entrepreneur, even though that was not their intended path or their desire at the time — but they had to provide for themselves and had to generate income in some way quickly.

Copyright (c) 2021, Matrix Solutions Corporation . All rights reserved.


426- Some criteria for best entrepreneur podcasters

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we repurpose an older episode that dealt with the criteria for discussing who would make the best entrepreneurs. This episode dealt with the article published in an email newsletter from Michael Hyatt.

Originally published in the recently-podfaded show called The Struggling Entrepreneur, we can relate to the idea of the criteria for the more successful entrepreneurs — especially in the area of podcasting.

Yes, the romantic ideals of the younger aspiring entrepreneurs visualize the young college drop-out starting a business and growing to be a business titan. Well, these are the exception and not the rule.

As you will hear in this audio episode, the more successful entrepreneurs are those who have age on their side — and with that, they also possess maturity, experience, resources, drive to succeed and knowledge of lessons learned.

“So who makes the best entrepreneurs?  No, it’s not who you think.”  As Michael Hyatt states, it is usually those over 40 years of age — and the numbers tell us that. So if this episode bursts your ideal bubble of romanticized billionaires and your path to join that club, well, join the rest of us who can accept the valid research and then also put our own strengths into channeling our resources, our drive to succeed, our age, our experience, and most of all OUR MATURITY into becoming a successful entrepreneur and podcaster.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2020, Matrix Solutions Corporation and All rights reserved.


426- Who can make the best entrepreneurs

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we repurpose an older episode that dealt with the criteria for discussing who would make the best entrepreneurs. This episode dealt with the article published in an email newsletter from Michael Hyatt.

Originally published in the recently-podfaded show called The Struggling Entrepreneur, we can relate to the idea of the criteria for the more successful entrepreneurs — especially in the area of podcasting.

As you will hear in this audio episode, there are key factors for the entrepreneur that do determine success (and this is highlighted by the numbers):

  • Maturity;
  • Experience;
  • Skills
  • Age;
  • Management, control and leadership; and
  • Drive for success.

Yes, we know that the romantic dreams of aspiring podcasters and entrepreneurs point to the examples of Bill Gates and Mark Z. in the New Media and Social Media space. However, these are the exceptions and NOT the rule.

As you will hear in this audio episode, there are facts and history that prove which characteristics and criteria are the real ones that entrepreneurs possess to become successful — and even more, to remain successful.

Thank you for listening, and thanks to Michael Hyatt for having published this evergreen content earlier.

Copyright (c) 2020, Matrix Solutions Corporation and Michael All rights reserved.