
428- More info on best podcast equipment

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we deliver yet info on another article that describes for the new and experienced podcaster  “Best equipment for Beginners and Pros.”

It seems that in the podosphere now, every month will have a self-proclaimed pundit publishing another article or delivering another audio episode or video that describes the “best” for podcasters.

So, although this never stops being renewed (and sometimes annoying), we bring you the summary of information that is given in this article in And they specify that they are trying to show the reader some “beginner-friendly” options to purchase if you want to start going into podcasting. And note that you will be interspersed with pop-up ads and other calls-to-action to subscribe to their pages. But they continue:

  • The right computer for the right price;
  • The right microphone (and they present the AT2020 mic and the Snoball mic — which were popular and promoted back in 2007);
  • Audio interfaces for your microphone;
  • Audio-mixing and editing software options;
  • Windscreens (with no mention of pop-filters);
  • Headphones and amplifiers;
  • Microphone stands;

Now, for this podcaster who has been creating and publishing podcast content for the past 15 years, I would look at this list and immediately see that many key options are missing. This could be (for the neophyte) a bit confusing — especially if the new and aspiring podcaster has been consuming podcast episodes from shows of more experienced and knowledgeable podcasters (e.g., Dave Jackson in The School of Podcasting or Daniel J Lewis of The Audacity to Podcast, etc.).

For if you go and peruse the site of (as an example), Dave Jackson actually gives you an updated version of different courses for the aspiring podcaster, such as:

  • Planning your podcast
  • Content is king
  • Podcasting Equipment
  • Skype 101 and recording remote interviews
  • Your Podcast Website
  • The mechanics of podcasting
  • Podcasting with Audacity
  • Adobe Audition Basics
  • Podcasting with Hindenburg journalist
  • Using the PowerPress plugin
  • Podcasting with Gargeband
  • Publishing your podcast (Libsyn, Blubrry and more)
  • Communicating With Your audience
  • Submitting your show to Apple and other directories
  • Growing your audience
  • Monetizing your podcast

Notice that podcasting equipment is just one of the courses offered. In addition, if you have any questions, you can get them addressed for FREE in a weekly live Saturday morning podcast called ASK THE PODCAST COACH. So free consulting for basic questions can be answered live by Dave and his co-host, Jim Collison of

So I, myself, as an experienced podcaster and podcast consultant would recommend Dave’s course and his podcast shows to help you get the most out of considering the “best” equipment and other issues in beginning your podcasts. And, of course, what is “best” for you is unique, because your show and your situation is unique — it all depends on your objectives, your audience targeted, your themes and your time and effort that you wish to put into podcasting.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2020, Matrix Solutions Corporation and Dave Jackson of All rights reserved.


421- ID3 tags and their value

In this episode of, we focus on an article in called “Do ID3 Tags matter for Podcast SEO?”

Here, the issue is the VALUE of SEO (i.e., search engine optimization) for podcasters today, as opposed to the early days of the podosphere in 2004 when a lot of importance and emphasis we placed on ID3 tags in your podcast episodes.

As you will see in this article by James Cridland, the key question is whether or not today’s podcasters are using ID3 tags and whether or not it provides any value for your episodes or your podcast shows.

For this podcast reporter, the ID3 tags are still being included in each podcast episode. For myself, the value for the podcast show delivers some data for those players that allow the listener or those who download or consume to get more information about the show and the episode.

In summary, my perspective is this — an old podcaster mentor of mine (i.e., Dave Jackson of The School of Podcasting) delivers for me the criteria for this decision:  “As Dave Jackson says, it’s worth still putting them into your files: because the 0.1% of people who still use their Rio mediaplayer might like to see it. Who knows, they might be useful in the future; and they should be done relatively automatically by your digital audio editor or podcast host.”

Now, in addition, if you listen to episode dated 11July2020 in Dave Jackon’s Ask The Podcast Coach show, you will hear some of the reasons why Dave still fills out and includes ID3 tags with each episode. Some of them are to prevent some regret if one of the big publishers decide to use them again in the near future (although today many of them have neglected ID3 tag file content).

For yourself, as a podcaster, you have to see if the ID3 tags are worth including or should they be ignored.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2020, Matrix Solutions Corporation . All rights reserved.


414- Update on book to make money from Podcasting

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we deliver the announcement of the availablilty of the update of a book by Dave Jackson of The School of Podcasting that is a sequel to More Podcast Money. The new title of the book is Profit from Your Podcast;  and availability has been delayed until August, 2020.

Now, in the past, I have had the pre-availability books written by Dave Jackson at my hand. However, now, I do NOT have availability to get a sneak preview.

However, for myself, I am pre-ordering the book, as I wish to see the latest updates on how to make money from podcasting, with all the different revenue streams can be created by podcasters. And these would be from EXPERIENCE, not from theory (as many of the other books and authors use).

Having read the current book, More Podcast Money, as well as listening to the podcast show More Podcast Money, I have found great value in the content from Dave Jackson. I have actually been able to create a couple of small revenue streams which I did not consider at first — and they have contributed to my income for my business in podcasting.

And because of this, I would strongly recommend that you, as a podcaster, should consider getting the content to this book either in hardcopy or in audio (when the audiobook comes out).

I hope that you will find great VALUE in this book to help you increase your income by creating great revenue streams with your podcast shows and make your show and business more successful.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2020, Matrix Solutions Corporation and Dave Jackson. All rights reserved.


386- Keeping your sanity in podcasting

The theme for this episode came from a topic found in the Podcast Business Journal, especially espoused by Dave Jackson from The School of Podcasting.

These are several recommendations from Dave (and they are discussed in detail, as you will hear in this audio episode):

  • Don’t worry about things not in control;
  • Question yourself about what new situations exist today (during the plandemic);
  • Remember that your audience wants you to succeed;
  • Focus on tasks and details that will help you to make your podcast show even better;
  • Invite your audience to communicate and participate with you (e.g., with zoom or virtual communications);
  • “Dig the well before you are thirsty”;
  • Think about the hardest thing you have ever done.

Dave also has his own experience of suggestions to get motivated and take the first step toward completing your important project in podcasting.

We hope that you can keep your sanity during this plandemic, and that you can survive with flying colors to be successful, in spite of the lockdown, plandemic isolation and hardship or adversity.

As I always remind myself from my experiences and hardships that I had during the war: Remember that “each day is pure gravy.”

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2020, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Dave Jackson. All rights reserved.


342- Podcast birthday and a journey in podcasting by a luminary

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we discuss the anniversary of a birthday in podcasting, as well as the journey into podcasting which we describe.

The birthday which we discuss is that of the first podcast show and podcast episode from this podcast reporter (from 2006).

As you will hear in this audio episode, the learning curve for podcasting was helped by the book by Evo Terra and Tee Morris called Podcasting for Dummies. This book was a good start, but the online tutorial by Jason Van Orden called How to Create a Podcast was the final resource that helped me to create my first podcast called Arriba!

And finally, mentorship and instruction from Dave Jackson in his School of Podcasting allowed me to grow and attend podcast conferences — especially meeting Paul Colligan, Leo LaPorte, Tee Morris and Jason Van Orden.

And the final part of this audio episode describes the swift journey that resulted in myself growing into being a luminary (as referred to by Paul Colligan).

Copyright (c) 2020, Matrix Solutions Corporation. All rights reserved.


331- Strategies for premium podcast content

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we deliver some strategies for creating premium podcast content. This would mean the content of episodes for which you will be able to monetize.

In addition to this repurposed episode, we refer you to the book by Dave Jackson of the School of Podcasting called More Podcast Money. Here, you will get various ways of creating revenue streams based on premium content — among other strategies.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2020, Matrix Solutions Corporation. All rights reserved.


281- Podcast network — to join or not

In this episode of, we focus on the idea of whether to join a podcast network or not. This theme is explored in this repurposed episode by Dave Jackson of The School of Podcasting.

Copyright (c) 2020, Matrix Solutions Corporation. All rights reserved.