
428- More info on best podcast equipment

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we deliver yet info on another article that describes for the new and experienced podcaster  “Best equipment for Beginners and Pros.”

It seems that in the podosphere now, every month will have a self-proclaimed pundit publishing another article or delivering another audio episode or video that describes the “best” for podcasters.

So, although this never stops being renewed (and sometimes annoying), we bring you the summary of information that is given in this article in And they specify that they are trying to show the reader some “beginner-friendly” options to purchase if you want to start going into podcasting. And note that you will be interspersed with pop-up ads and other calls-to-action to subscribe to their pages. But they continue:

  • The right computer for the right price;
  • The right microphone (and they present the AT2020 mic and the Snoball mic — which were popular and promoted back in 2007);
  • Audio interfaces for your microphone;
  • Audio-mixing and editing software options;
  • Windscreens (with no mention of pop-filters);
  • Headphones and amplifiers;
  • Microphone stands;

Now, for this podcaster who has been creating and publishing podcast content for the past 15 years, I would look at this list and immediately see that many key options are missing. This could be (for the neophyte) a bit confusing — especially if the new and aspiring podcaster has been consuming podcast episodes from shows of more experienced and knowledgeable podcasters (e.g., Dave Jackson in The School of Podcasting or Daniel J Lewis of The Audacity to Podcast, etc.).

For if you go and peruse the site of (as an example), Dave Jackson actually gives you an updated version of different courses for the aspiring podcaster, such as:

  • Planning your podcast
  • Content is king
  • Podcasting Equipment
  • Skype 101 and recording remote interviews
  • Your Podcast Website
  • The mechanics of podcasting
  • Podcasting with Audacity
  • Adobe Audition Basics
  • Podcasting with Hindenburg journalist
  • Using the PowerPress plugin
  • Podcasting with Gargeband
  • Publishing your podcast (Libsyn, Blubrry and more)
  • Communicating With Your audience
  • Submitting your show to Apple and other directories
  • Growing your audience
  • Monetizing your podcast

Notice that podcasting equipment is just one of the courses offered. In addition, if you have any questions, you can get them addressed for FREE in a weekly live Saturday morning podcast called ASK THE PODCAST COACH. So free consulting for basic questions can be answered live by Dave and his co-host, Jim Collison of

So I, myself, as an experienced podcaster and podcast consultant would recommend Dave’s course and his podcast shows to help you get the most out of considering the “best” equipment and other issues in beginning your podcasts. And, of course, what is “best” for you is unique, because your show and your situation is unique — it all depends on your objectives, your audience targeted, your themes and your time and effort that you wish to put into podcasting.

Thank you for your attention.

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