
673- Plight of the UK and the new generation of campus unrest

In this episode of our podcasts, Matt and Sgt Fred deliver the discussion of topics about both the plight of the UK in these times without the real queen, as well as the other major story, which is the summary and commentary about campus unrest caused by outside agitators for Palestinians.

Other topics dwell upon the possible fate of the US due to the radical practice of DEI– that is, planet of the apes.

Copyright (c) 2024, Matrix Solutions Corporation and All rights reserved.


672- The new Alaric will lead the fall of the Republic

In this episode that will be posted in 4 shows:

  •; and

Matt Cox and myself, Sgt. Fred will deliver to you our premonitions about both the status and possible future of the UK due to the concerns of the royalty, as well as here in the USA in this year of terrible corruption by the government, the agencies and the media.

Here are some of the items that we shall cover in our casual discussion, which is unrehearsed and thoughtful:

  • How the democrat party and those candidates that are sponsored by it are just like the evil players in the Orwell stories, both Animal Farm and 1984;
  • How Bo-Jiden and the democrats are like Alaric (i.e., Flavius Alaricus), and how they can possibly cause the downfall and “sacking” of the USA and its goodness and great ideas brought to the world stage by the founding fathers (n.b.: for a summary and image of Alaric, go to this URL:;
  • Also, the democrats and BoJiden are like the “chief” — i.e., Rudolf the Boss (known as the CHIEF)– in the 1936 movie called Things to Come, in which the only thing that mattered was the tyranny of the leader like BoJiden, who was so delusional that he ruined the state of the known world and wanted only to remain in power by taking away the rights of the citizens by having constant warfare;
  • The status of Prince William and his bride, the Princess of Wales, and a possible future with him as future king;
  • The possible future for Harry Windsor as probable regent;
  • The attempt by Camilla to usurp power and the throne;
  • How the state of Texas in the USA is fighting to uphold the laws of the USA re: immigration, especially with the flood of democrat supported illegals flooding the country;
  • the attempt to call illegal aliens “newcomers” (since “dreamers” has gone by the wayside);
  • the attempt by democrat governors to usurp private property and allow squatters to live in private property homes;
  • the ridiculous attempt by the democrats to take a quote out of context and surround it with their own placed context from a delivery by Trump about only the AUTO INDUSTRY;
  • the attempt by democrats to confiscate firearms with the new “red flag” laws recently passed;
  • the news about the Podcast Movement–Evolutions conference in downtown Los Angeles, and our thoughts about NOT attending it in person (mainly due to crime in that area, as well as the conference now turning almost completely woke);
  • the attempt by BoJiden to sign the UN small arms treaty, thus banning firearms altogether — and how this is unconstitutional against the 2nd amendment;
  • the attempt by BoJiden and democrats to register prisoners and inmates to vote, as well as university students — in the attempt to stuff the ballot box with illegal votes, not to mention the illegal aliens now being given voting rights in states like New York;
  • the order from Bo-Jiden to protect incumbent bureaucrats by making it more difficult, if not impossible, to fire them — of course, after the democrats put them in their jobs in the next 10 months;
  • the enormous publicity about the eclipse and the over-reaction by the media;
  • how Greta Thunberg has reared her ugly head again at the Hague to protest in the name of climate change — and that she was arrested;
  • The new theme of climate change being linked to human rights violations (e.g., Switzerland and Greta T.) and how ridiculous this case tends to show violation of rights because of climate change;
  • To add comical relief, how Taylor Swift has announced that she is pregnant with Travis Kelce’s baby — nice role model for parents???
  • For a dark similarity, BoJiden is hidden and remains apart, since his handler and puppertmaster, Obama, does not want him to say anything to the press or to debate; and also, just like Hitler was in his underground bunker in 1945, BoJiden remains in hiding as he is either asleep or “on vacation” in the northeast, totally aloof from the world and delusional, thus allowing his Obama-handlers to manipulate the press and pull his strings — so when will this manipulation all end?
  • Thank you for listening
  • Copyright Matrix Solutions Corporation, 2023 and All rights reserved.

Bonus episode -671- We podcast together amidst weather and illness

In this episode (which is going to be posted on both and, my co-host, Matt Cox, and myself will be catching up after illness and bad, rainy weather on the situations with the following topics:

  • the “loser-states” and their politics finally hit home, with both the New-Scum governor and the candidate for the Senate from Commie-fornia, Schiff (who was censured from the House of Representatives for lying and other acts against good faith);
  • an update from Matt about the situation across the pond, namely Charles III and the unwanted Camilla (especially the cancer situation with the King and the hope of having a good king on the throne with William, Prince of Wales);
  • Upcoming elections — both good and bad — on the local scenes both in Commie-fornia and Texas;
  • The setting for podcasting today and in the near future — especially with the threats of being persecuted and marginalized and canceled, etc.;
  • The situation with the Swifties and both Kelce and his girlfriend — and how this may upset both football, as well as the upcoming elections;
  • The horrible situation with democrats and the feebleness of Bo-Jiden and his dementia and possible alzheimers;
  • Sad situation for Vietnam Veterans today — since they are dying every day at an alarming rate;
  • The ridiculous situation and request by Maddow the “mad-cow” as she asks that no one reveal or talk about injuries or harm from the “vaccinations” as the anti-vaxers will pick this up and enumerate on the truth;
  • update on movies — e.g., Oppeneheimer, Archie (Cary Grant) and others;
  • The lies about electric vehicles and the promotions by the democrats (especially AOC);
  • The stupidity of Nikki Haley and her funding;
  • Upcoming travels and important dates to keep;
  • The ridiculous lies told by Bo-Jiden at the State of the Union rant by a demented man suffering from near Alzheimers, and the stupid chant from the females on THE VIEW screaming “4 more years” — how idiotic is that?
  • the FAIREST and most evenly reviewed discussion of the SOTU was from No Agenda show by Adam Curry and John C Dvorak from the Sunday show’s first hour on 10March2024;
  • the rebuttal by the GOP by Katie Britt, senator from Alabama — where some mothers in the USA favorably reacted, as stated in this video:
  • And this important reflection from Bill O’Reilly on 8March24:


After the State of the Union speech, we need to include the following aspects that Bill O’Reilly pointed out today:
President Biden got through the State of the Union with good energy.  Nothing new.  Not admitting he made any mistakes.  Here are some of my real time observations.

Mr. Biden looks frail.  First up, attacks Trump over NATO.  Second tells Putin that we will not “bow down.”  Then tries to tie January 6th into Ukraine – threat to democracy.  Blames Trump.

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Catholic Joe segues into “reproductive freedom.”  Ten o’clock mass tomorrow?

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Joe says he’s creating American jobs right here in America. Okay, then.

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

So we are 25 minutes into the speech and nothing new at all.  Spoke too fast.  The President says he’ll give Americans $4,800 a year if they buy a home.  Vote buying?  Surely. #StateOfTheUnion

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Biden wants corporations to pay ” their fair share”, where have we heard that before?  Joe will impose ” fairness.”  Uh-oh.

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Mr. Biden rolling on the class warfare front.  He’s going after the wealthy in order to fund the “working people.” Socialism here we come.  Bernie Sanders exhausted from applauding.

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Bernie Sanders wearing a mask. Excellent news.

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Biden says he wants to cut down the “backlog” of migrant cases. Republicans hooting him. Simple question:  who created the backlog?

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Biden totally booting the border analysis.  Says his heart goes out to the family of Laken Riley.  So, why didn’t he call them?

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

President says America is safer today than when he took office.  Meanwhile, the Democrat Governor of New York is sending the National Guard into the subway to protect folks.

— Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) March 8, 2024

Did you know Kamala Harris is in charge of the White House office of gun violence? I didn’t. The President just said that. Does Kamala know?


Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and All rights reserved.


666 – Return from Texas trip and status with Matt of podcasts and the MidEast wars

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter Show, we discuss some key topics as a post-Thanksgiving Show with my co-host, Matt Cox, from my repurposed show,

Thus, we deliver our gratitude and thoughts of thanks for many things, as Matt and I discuss how lucky we are and have been to have lived so far in a more-or-less free country. In addition, we touch upon the following topics:

  • Brief history of the Thanksgiving holiday, especially with the details given by John C Dvorak of the No Agenda Podcast Show;
  • Summary of recent travel to and from Texas;
  • Update on health situations;
  • Status of hearsay from a Brit on the situation with King Charles III; and
  • Reflections on the recent Armistice Day, aka Veterans’ Day (since Sgt. Fred is a Vietnam Combat Veteran); and
  • Plans for upcoming recent events and projects.
  • References to MAD MEN and SUITS
  • References to THE CROWN;

We hope that you enjoy the holidays for all podcasters, we suggest that you start to get ideas and content ready for a great podcast event that you can prepare — that is, your BUCKET LIST.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and Adam Curry and John C Dvorak. All rights reserved.


663- Obsession in podcasting can lead to negative results

In this episode that supports both and, we explore from experience how negative results can come from a podcaster who becomes obsessive with podcasting. For the most part, the examples come from my own experience for the last 18 years (when I started getting into podcasting).

The model that many podcasters had since their beginning is the following:

  • First, they publish a podcast show and its first episodes;
  • Their elation is high and they result in excitement and success;
  • They then feel that they must start more podcast shows;
  • Soon, when they get more ideas, they create and publish even more podcast shows;
  • In my experience, I had 16 podcast shows within the first 4 years of podcasting.
  • However, with each new podcast show, I devoted less time to the quality of the content of my flagship podcast shows;
  • I found that I lost time in promoting shows;
  • My interest went into attending, speaking and participating in live inbound podcast show events (e.g., conferences like New Media Show and also podcamp events;
  • My show notes grew very thin and I started losing interest in both content quality and regular consistency in publishing of my then 16 current podcast shows;
  • Thus, I began to podfade each show and reduce the overall time of podcasting, as I felt that I was burning out.

So the net of my experience as that the excitement and thrills in publishing podcast shows grew to a very high level, but the cost of that made my shows suffer in quality, content, consistency — and the end result was that of being close to burnout (especially when I had to travel to attend and present at shows and conferences — especially when I had to prepare the presentation).

I say this only to warn those whose excitement leads them to begin a second or third (or more ) podcast show after having completed their first show and venture into the podosphere. Also, I wish to give a sign to those who start multiple shows and then try to monetize them quickly — within a month to six months — and wonder why their success has not brought them to financial glory.

I myself have had the negative experience of both burnout and unsuccessful shows, as well as negative comments from episode reviews in the past. Now, I did start my last podcast show as a “fun” or “hobby” podcast, with no expectations or promises of consistency or promotion and no expectation nor desire for monetization. It was called the Grumpy Old Bears podcast show, and my co-host has come and gone, then returned and left again — he himself has almost burned himself out and has overwhelmed himself with too many commitments due to the excitement of being involved in numerous projects. And thus, there is NO expectation of commitment from this show, and for us, it is a periodic release of frustration and the ability to just laugh and  mock society and present day events. It is for laughter, and that is why we consider it a “comedy podcast show.”

So from this podcast reporter and struggling entrepreneur, I’d like to thank you for listening, and “we’ll see you next time.”

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and All rights reserved.


700A- SWANSONG- 2030 fading – with first interview with Adam Curry

In this episode, we are all saying our farewells to the audience, because like an old soldier, we just “fade away.”

And since our last podcast episode told about the greatest generation, of which I consider myself to be a legacy of that group, I see that bidding farewell to our audience is a great respect.

So, there will be no more controversial topics, etc., but just the memory of the show. And so we deliver to you the beginnings of the show, with the creator of the idea for 2030 in a podcast show, the Podfather himself, Adam Curry — from an interview in February of 2015.

We thank Adam Curry for his idea and for what was for us a great entertainment content experience.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and and Adam Curry. All rights reserved.


639- Podcaster Chris Brogan — in the beginning…

In this repurposed episode, we deliver to you an interview with Chris Brogan at a Podcast Movement conference, in which we learn the beginnings of one of the earliest podcasters and sponsors of the podcasting conferences (namely podcamps), as well as other topics in the early stages of the podosphere which made Chris Brogan a top celebrity in New Media, podcasting and authorship.

This interview had a bit of ambient noise, as it was right off the expo center floor of the conference — but the topics and interest of Chris Brogan to podcasting are still alive today as he continues his career in New Media:

Now, I have followed Chris Brogan from interviews which I have done with him over the years, as well as memories of the Podcamp conferences of which he was a co-founding member in 2005.

He and I do share a common ground in podcasting, and I have also purchased some of his intellectual property products and offerings in the past. His books, on the other hand, have turned into best sellers — some he has authored alone, and others he has co-authored with authorities in the field (e.g., Julien Smith in Trust Agents).

Now, as you will hear in this REPURPOSED EPISODE, the podosphere has some themes that are evergreen, and there are a few good “gems” of suggestions that are viable in today’s environment of the podosphere for those who are new or aspiring or upcoming podcasters.

I would highly recommend that you consume this brief interview to select some ideas that can help your show with content, as well as to grow and increase your audience. This could be a key case in point when you feel that maybe growing “dark” to pursue other New Media ventures would be a good direction for you and your business. And Chris has pivoted from his early podcasting days to the environment where interviews and business ownership were key focus points.

Thus, we hope that you can benefit from this evergreen content from Chris Brogan to help you and your business and your podcasts become successful.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Chris Brogan and Podcast All rights reserved.


BONUS – 2021- Steps and time to create a podcast episode

In this BONUS EPISODE of The Podcast Reporter, we deliver an audio copy of some content that I sent to Dave Jackson (the podcaster for the School of Podcasting) to answer his “question of the month” for November, 2021. The question was: how much time does it take for you to create a podcast episode — from idea stage until you click PUBLISH and have your episode go live. By the way, Dave is the Author of the book titled “Profit from your Podcast.”

So, I responded with a five-minute audio section, which is played right after the intro content of this episode. Now you can see what it takes in steps and in time to create a “micro-cast” that is 10 minutes or shorter in length of time, as well as an interview episode, or an episode with a co-host.

I hope that you gain some value to understand what is required to create a podcast episode — both a short-form episode and then a 40-minute episode. If you are doing “double-enders,” then this episode may help you understand the steps it takes to create and release an episode.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2021, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Dave Jackson of All rights reserved.


589- Podcasting in the past — luck passes me during a war

In this very brief episode of The Podcast Reporter, we remember past podcast shows that can have a memorable mental event during a date that triggers an anniversary. And a podcast show that you, a podcaster, can have at this time can also possibly bring back memories — in the form of flashbacks or other mental traffic.

For this podcaster, the event was 48 years ago, during the October, 1973, Yom Kippur War in the Middle East. At this time, I was an infantry paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division; and we were mobilized and deployed for action in the Middle East. In fact, our mission was to make a combat parachute jump at night in the deserts of the Sinai Peninsula during the War on the side of the Israelis to go and fight both the Egyptian army, and then their future allies as well, the Soviet Airborne troops.

This event came into my mind as a remembrance when I thought about the podfaded podcast called The Combat Infantrymen podcast show that honored those US Army soldiers who earned the Combat Infantryman’s Badge and the Association which sponsored the podcast show.

In this show, I not only had solo episodes about my own life (such as the combat tour that I had during the Vietnam War), but I also interviewed other veterans who had earned the Combat Infantryman’s Badge from experience in combat during a past campaign (since World War II and then afterwards, like Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Iraqi Freedom and Afghanistan, etc.).

As a podcaster, we can reflect on our own past experiences that have contributed to our podcast shows to deliver value in the past to our targeted audience. For myself, I had veterans who were combat infantrymen and their families (who really wanted to hear about their experiences, since most veterans never spoke about their experiences in combat) who were my audience. And thus, I provided value to them — that value allowing them some type of closure with their past, especially trauma and stress.

So the VALUE to your targeted audience should be a podcaster’s main objective and concern — although that may not be someone else’s cup of tea.

So, this October marks the 48th anniversary of my mobilization and deployment activities for the Yom Kippur War of 1973. And truthfully, after having come back in one piece from my combat tour in Vietnam, I was scared that I would not make it during this upcoming campaign — it was a spectre that I dreaded. And the reason was that this was a new war — and for veterans, this is the dread.

You see, when you are new to combat and have never experienced it, your fear has a way to drive you to survive in that situation while you are accomplishing your mission. But once you have tasted combat, then the fear grips you in an ugly way where you cannot “hide” yourself as you did when you were going into combat the first time. Your anticipation of the worst case haunts you, and all you can think of is to get through the environment by remembering the experience that you had that did allow you to survive and yet recover from fear and do what you had to do:  “TRAINING TAKES OVER.” And I lived this phrase and was prepared as I got ready for the parachute jump and then the care of the squad that I had to lead…training takes over.

However, thank goodness that the superpowers did not decide to fight each other, and so we stood down and went back to our own division to regular garrison duties.

And so I did get through the anticipation and fear from being involved in the war of the Middle East. And the CIB (Combat Infantrymen’s Badge) podcast helped me get past that incident and to experience some closure.

And for this, the podcaster like myself can appreciate past experiences and past podfaded episodes to prepare for newer episodes and have success in podcasting.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2021, Matrix Solutions Corporation and All rights reserved.


577- Determining which people can be good podcast guests

In this episode, we discuss podcast interview guesting — but more from the angle of which people can be good guests as opposed to the folks for whom guesting will probably not work.

For this theme, we turn to a post from Tom Schwab, a podcast interviewer with a site called Interview Valet, as well as author of the book Podcast Guest Profits: Grow Your Business with a Targeted Interview Strategy

Now, I have known Tom Schwab since 2015, and I have interviewed him in several podcast shows, including this one, in the past. I have a copy of his book, and I find it very helpful for those who want to focus on becoming guests on other podcasts, in addition to interviewing guests. I would strongly encourage aspiring or new podcasters to read this book and find out about the art of guesting on other podcasts from podcasters, in order to get discovered and increase your reach in the podosphere.

So in this article, Tom explains how podcast guesting may not work for certain people within these five suggestions and tips:

1. “Your Clients Are Geographically Constrained

It’s not about reaching more people, it’s about reaching more ideal customers.

2. Transactional Sales with low Life Time Value

I’m not going to hire a lawyer, accountant, or surgeon from a Facebook Ad.  Conversely, if the purchase is a low-cost, low-risk, transactional purchase I don’t need to spend 30 to 45 minutes to get to know the company or founder.

3. One Time or Perishable Product

While podcasts may not be evergreen, they are like a can of soup – good for 3 to 5 years.


4. Your Digital Presence is Weak

When I hear you on a podcast before I engage I will check out your website and social media.  Here is an online assessment to find if podcast interview marketing will work for you.

5. Not Committed To Delivering Value

This means everyone must win: Audience, Host, Guest, and us. Guests won’t get the desired results if they don’t take an active part in making a great interview:

Show up on time                                 Use a professional mic

Add massive value                              Promote the show

Prepare (here’s our checklist)  

With these types of hints, tips and practices, you can understand how much work it will take for you to land the great podcast guest for an interview or discussion or dialog in your episode. Since Tom has made a business (and he was one of the first in 2015) of the art of guesting in podcast episodes in order to better your business, his success speaks for itself.

I would strongly encourage you to speak to Tom in perhaps an exhibit hall if your attend a podcast conference in which Tom Schwab or the Interview Valet is present. I think you will find the material and the tips  of value to you as a podcaster.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2021, Matrix Solutions Corporation and Tom Schwab and All rights reserved.