
655- Measuring real success of your podcast

In this episode, we examine the views of podcaster Ben Krueger in the area of measuring success in podcasting. He explains this in an article from his show, The article is titled “How to measure real podcast success.”

Ben Krueger

As is well known from other podcasters like Dave Jackson of and Daniel J Lewis of, a real measure of success is not just by the measurement of downloads of an episode or a series of them. In the podosphere, the real measure of success depends on much more than the numbers of downloads. As Ben states: “While this is an important metric, it’s not the only one that matters when measuring the success of a podcast…While this is an important metric, it’s not the only one that matters when measuring the success of a podcast…In fact, comparing download numbers to other podcasters can be misleading and discouraging, especially for niche podcasts that serve a specific audience.

Ben continues as he looks at specific types of podcast niches and genres: “It’s time to take a holistic approach to understand the unique needs and expectations of your audience and track metrics that align with your podcast goals.”

In fact, Ben delivers to the reader a Podcast Success Tracker Spreadsheet, which is included in the article. This is a tool that can track the metrics that should really matter to the podcaster.

Ben also recommends that you be specific in these areas, especially in the most common goals of:

Audience growth;

Becoming the go-to authority in your niche;

Client/customer acquisition;

Speaking opportunities;

Business development partnerships.

Goal-setting and planning are key elements, rather than emotion and impulse:  “By defining clear and measurable goals, you’ll be able to stay on track and make informed decisions about the direction of your podcast.”

Ben also suggests which metrics should be tracked. He suggests on “Focusing on ONE PRIMARY goal, with 1 or 2 secondary goals (if you must) will help you prioritize and actually drive results toward your goal with focus and clarity….” such as:

  • Audience growth;
  • Downloads and email sign-ups;
  • Creating your podcast as an AUTHORITY;
  • Client acquisition;
  • Response to your calls-to-action;
  • Speaking opportunities: “This includes invitations to speak on other podcasts or at events, or inquiries that come through your podcast’s website or social media channels.”;
  • Opportunities for BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT partnerships;

Besides these, Ben recommends later in the article other metrics to track, such as listener behavior. And one of the most important metric to follow is the financial one: “Finally, track the return on investment (ROI) of your podcast.”

Ben also urges you to improve each metric, with some other tips, such as the “CTA templates” that he provides, in addition to your taking steps to own continuous growth toward your goals.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Ben Krueger of All rights reserved.


653- Podcasters can become thought leaders in content creation

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter Show, we discuss and review the essence of being a THOUGHT LEADER in the area of podcasting, which is really a subset of being a content creator.

The communication that inspired this repurposed episode is from a listener to this podcast series that wanted to know more detail about being a THOUGHT LEADER (since I mentioned this in a brief summary recently in a prior episode). And so I wanted to oblige and repurpose the episode #513 of this show to answer his several questions about podcasting and being a thought leader in detail.

First, here is the chart that outlines the steps to becoming a thought leader:

Notice that this episode mentions Paul Colligan as my inspiration for becoming a thought leader in my past podcasting career. There is also honorable mention for several other resources along the same lines and topics of this repurposed episode:

THE REFERRAL ENGINE, book by John Jantsch


THE SPEED OF TRUST, book by Dr. Steven Covey

– PAUL COLLIGAN, podcaster, author & blogger at

– CHRIS BROGAN, author, trainer, blogger at

– SCOTT JOHNSON, podcaster at

– LON NAYLOR, screencaster and podcaster and blogger at

So we hope that you can get the details needed to plan a good path for yourself to becoming a good thought leader and well-known podcaster. And we wish you for your success in the podosphere.

Thank you for listening and for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Paul Colligan and John Jantsch and Lon Naylor and Scott Johnson and Chris Brogan. All rights reserved.


652- Suggested Strategies for podcast growth

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter Show, we discuss the 5 strategies to succeed in podcasting for business growth. This was reviewed in an article by Ben Krueger of cashflowpodcasting called “Podcasting for Business growth: 5 Strategies to Succeed.”

Now, as I have stated in several past episodes of this podcast show, I have known Ben since 2014, when we first met at the initial Podcast Movement conference in Dallas, Texas.

Ben Krueger

I feel that Ben has had great information for the newer and aspiring podcaster, especially with this free pdf files and his suggestions. In this case, he gives some sound advice to help you improve your direction at succeeding in growing your business via podcasting.

The main sections discussed in this article are the following (with details in each link to the section of the article):

Finding the right content for your podcast episodes in your show and having clear calls-to-actions are highlights of some of the mistakes that newer and aspiring podcasters make when starting out — especially in some cases where the podcaster decides to incorporate 5 or more calls-to-action in the episode (and then leaves the listener in a confusing direction). This can easily blur the right content for your show, as perhaps some of the calls-to-action may not fit the key messages in your content, thus making your podcast show look like an advertising billboard. And conventional wisdom may indicate that you may not want to go in this misdirection.

As the article indicates, podcast growth can be helped by placing you and your content and podcast as an AUTHORITY for the listener — and there are proven ways to do so. In fact, one of the earliest ways to do so was mentioned by an early podcaster, Paul Colligan, in which he described some of the steps in becoming a THOUGHT LEADER. In fact, we ourselves have had several episodes in the past that looked at what a true thought leader is, as well as the steps to becoming a trusted and accepted thought leader in podcasting. In fact, you may refer to episodes 412 and 513 of this podcast series,

You will then see this chart with the steps to becoming a successful content creator:

And you can also see some of the other interesting viewpoints from Ben that could possibly help your podcast for business grow with his suggested strategies.

We encourage you to review this content from Ben and see if these strategies can work for you — especially with his advice for definite, clear and non-confusing appropriate calls-to-action.

So we hope that you can accept this content as beneficial after your review, and we wish for you a quick path to making your business successful with good podcast strategies.

Thank you for your attention, and for listening.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Ben Krueger of All rights reserved.


650- Podcasting and the National Vietnam War Veterans Day 2023

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter show, we deliver some perspectives into the remembrance and celebrations of the National Vietnam War Veterans Day of 2023. This national day of recognition is always on the 29th of March.

And, yes, I was a part of the war, as a UPI reporter and cameraman captured a photo while we were on patrol as we were crossing a rapidly-flowing river in the mountains and jungle. And, yes, that is myself that the reporter captured on film some 52 years ago.

US troops of the 23rd (Americal) Infantry Division ford a river about 11 miles west of Chu Lai in South Vietnam (then the Republic of Vietnam, or RVN), 15th August 1971. The GIs, members of Bravo Company, 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry, are among the last U. S. combat troops still operating in the field. US B-52 aircraft bombed suspected communist troop concentrations near the demilitarized zone, on August 15th, following more shelling and ground assaults earlier on August 15th. More than 750 rounds of mortar and artillery fire have been directed at South Vietnamese outposts along the demilitarized zone August 14-15th.

In addition to my combat experiences, I was also injured by exposure to Agent Orange, and I sometimes reflect on how my condition can never be cured, but only treated (as the VA medications will only slow down the inevitable, which is that the toxin will kill me — so much so that I have been murdered or “killed” even though I am not completely dead yet, and my life in my body has not fully expired). And a t-shirt that I have tells the truth to everyone around me.

As a podcaster, I am grateful that I had a chance to live this long so far, even though my complications from AO exposure to the toxins are taking more of a toll on my health. But these seem to remind me of the Vietnam War and the experiences that I had going through my tour of duty as a combat infantryman, where I served as a machine-gunner and grenadier in the jungles, the mountains and the rice paddies.

I have told this story of my time in the war and how I dealt with some of the issues that I still carry today — especially of how I had to confront the PTSD when I returned home. This was highlighted in an interview that I did on Mack Payne’s podcast show, Vietnam Veteran News. You can go to a podcast show where I include a 45-minute interview with Mack on an earlier podcast episode #611 in this series at this URL:

611- BONUS episode — Vietnam Veterans Podcast interview 2022

Now, earlier, I attended a session of the Texas legislature, where the National Day for Vietnam Veterans was declared. Also, there was a statue that was dedicated to over 3,000 Texas Vietnam Veterans who were killed in the war. That statue is now in the grounds of the Texas State Capitol, as a reminder of the sacrifices made by its citizens:

In my past podcast shows, I have contributed to the veterans of that war, as well as others in my 2 previous shows, Combat Infantryman’s Podcast show and the 82nd Airborne Division podcast (both now podfaded after 11 years).

So podcasting has allowed me to deliver homage and honor to the veterans who fought in that war and who sacrificed. As you can determine from my own experiences, not all veterans who returned without being physically maimed in combat were still affected or injured. Some of us will always carry the pangs of the war in our minds, our hearts and our decaying bodies after 52 years.

But podcasting has, for the most part, allowed me to reflect on the war and has given me a chance to obtain a bit of closure on the memories and the nightmares from that time in history where the veterans were shunned by a large group of an ungrateful American public upon their return home.

I have a Zippo lighter as a relic from the war, and I had it engraved with some words of wisdom that I still see today: It says “For those who have fought for it, Freedom has a taste that the protected can never know.”

So, to my fellow veterans, I deliver a salute to them as part of my gratitude and camaraderie to say “Welcome home, brother.”

Thank you for your attention — and please thank a veteran for what you are enjoying today (your life).

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Mack Payne of All rights reserved.


649- Choices for Podcast Production companies

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter show, we deliver an interesting discussion of what a podcast production company may be like, and if it may be of benefit for you and your show. This comes from an article that is authored by Ben Krueger of

Ben Krueger

As I have mentioned in earlier posts of this show, I have known Ben since 2014, when he and I shared a booth at the very first Podcast Movement conference in Dallas, Texas. I do recommend him for his value that he delivers in his posts — many times, there are free resources with good documentation that are very helpful.

And Ben divides the discussion into these topics:

Top Podcast Production Companies For Businesses and Brands

… and Ben discusses each theme with some details that can give you an idea of the topic, as well as an example or two as clarification proof points.

You have to ask yourself if the company that interests you is specialized in a specific content niche or industry that you find yourself and your show: When selecting a podcast production company, it’s important to consider their area of expertise, whether it’s in a specific content niche or an industry.”

And you can gather from the firms that we listed for you the nature and the type of production company that may interest you. The list is a good starting point for the newer or aspiring podcaster, as it may help to understand what a production company is, what it does, what the strengths are of each firm, what the marketing hype may or may be, and how it can turn out to be a good introduction to a topic drowning in a lot of sales talk.

I highly recommend that you consume this article in detail and select one or several companies listed so that you can be thoroughly acquainted with these type of firms and the value that they promise for the podcaster. And since Ben has already limited the landscape of these firms for you, there is a good chance that your interest will be satisfied, and that you may find a good resource to help your show.

The end of the article delivers a “conclusion” that I feel is well stated for the podcaster. He says: “By partnering with an experienced podcast production company, you can be confident that you’re getting a team of professionals who will take care of everything from recording and editing to marketing and distribution. This allows you to focus on what you do best – creating high-quality content and engaging with your audience…Are you not seeing the results you were hoping for when you started your podcast? We encourage you to look for a podcast production company that offers strategy support or podcast coaching. With the right partner, your podcast has the potential to reach new heights and attract a wider audience than ever before.” 

So I hope that you can determine if you need the services of a podcast production company, and that you can find one that will help you to make your show a success.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Ben Krueger of All rights reserved.


648- Podcasting AI tools for the podcaster

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter Show, we deliver some perspectives from an article that deals with AI audio tools in an article titled “Which AI Podcasting tools are worth using?”

In this article in, the author examines the idea of AI tools for podcasting, as well as using them to help the podcaster — especially the aspiring or new podcaster — in becoming more productive by perhaps using them in their workflow:

“AI podcasting tools are popping out like bunnies in springtime, promising quick, efficient and superhuman results. These tools vary, and none can exceed human ability, given enough time and resources. But if you need to have a task done quickly, some AI podcasting tools might be worth your consideration. Let’s look at processes like scripting and recording, marketing and promotion, and making your cover art or podcast logo. We’ll examine AI tools for these tasks, how they work, and whether or not they can help you.”

The sections in this article describe the following topics:

  • Text, speech and artificial voices;
  • Using ChatGPT and AI to a podcaster’s advantage in creating content or ideas;
  • Descript and dubbing and overdubbing voices;
  • Dubbing media and emotional impact;
  • Dubb Media and
  • Marketing and PR tools — including emotional impact;
  • Can AI understand and promote your podcast?
  • AI and cover art and logos;
  • Example of AI art generators;
  • A discussion near the end of the article that asks you, the reader, if you should use AI tools, only because you can.

So if you have been hearing a lot about AI and the tools within this atmosphere, we encourage you to review the general comments in this article. It may give you a better idea of the rage which is now covering much of the podosphere circles — and you will be able to make intelligent decisions relating to the use of AI tools.

We would like to thank you for listening to this podcast episode, and we shall see you next time.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Artificial Intelligence tools. All rights reserved.


647- Daniel J Lewis — podcaster extraordinaire

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter Show, we discuss and applaud Daniel J Lewis, as well as his show, The Audacity to Podcast, as a valuable asset for podcasters. He is, by my book, a podcaster extraordinare

Even though he went a couple of times on a hiatus and took time off from his podcast business and shows, he is now back and has returned to the podosphere with full force and able to give us valuable content in many areas.

In addition to his role as a podcaster, he is also present in the Saturday morning show called Ask the Podcast Coach, which is hosted by Dave Jackson and Jim Collison and greatly contributes both to the chatroom and to others while live in the area of discourse.

Since his recent return to the podosphere as a full-time podcaster, his flagship show, The Audacity to Podcast, has covered in detail with valuable information, key topics that are critical for new and aspiring podcasters. Among some of his subjects are:

  • A discussion of the top audio editing apps;
  • Some key suggestions for creating a title for your show;
  • A discussion of whether your photo image should be in the cover art of your show;
  • The best link to share your podcast show;
  • Should your guest names be in the title of the episode?
  • What is the best time of day to release episodes?
  • The best day of the week for publication of episodes;
  • How to make episode artwork greater for your show;
  • What you need to know about seasons for your podcasts;
  • What about episode numbers in your podcast shows?
  • Promoting older podcast episodes;
  • Ways in which you can thank your podcast audience;
  • Video episodes where he conducts interviews live with expo hall demonstrators at conferences, like Podcast Movement;
  • The good, bad and ugly of Podcast Networks — with personal history as to why he shut his down;
  • and more

In addition to his content within his podcast show(s), Daniel also has his business where he is promoting and selling products that he, himself, created and marketed — such as My Podcast Reviews.

Another business is his Podcasters Society community. This is a program that I joined at its inception, and which can provide great value for all its members. On the site of this COMMUNITY (which is somewhat like Mastermind Group), Daniel describes it in this way:

“Improve the quality and success of your podcast through an encouraging communityinspirational training, and expert support!

  • Refine your content
  • Enhance your presentation
  • Streamline your production
  • Boost your promotion
  • Increase your PROFIT”

Now, I have known Daniel since 2010, when I first interviewed him at the time on my podcast show called The Struggling Entrepreneur. And I have been in conferences (like New Media Expo) when he was recognized with the award for his podcast show. And, yes, I have participated in several offers and offerings he has had.

My respect for Daniel J Lewis nothing less than exceptional. As a podcaster and developer and marketer, I highly promote him and his content and podcast shows to all podcasters, especially the newer and aspiring podcasters.

So I would continue to recommend and suggest that you check out and consume his podcast show, The Audacity to Podcast, as well as his conference demo interviews from the expo hall of the conferences.

This is detail explained in plain English terms and will be of value to podcasters worldwide.

Thank you for reading and listening to this episode, and we shall see you next time.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and All rights reserved.


646- The value of podcast networks

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter Show, we focus on the possible value of podcast networks. This is discussed a bit in an article by Ashley Hamer in which the description and value of podcast networks are given, along with some of the more popular podcast networks today. The article is titled “What is a Podcast Network? Everything you need to know.”

The following sections are included in this article:

  • A definition of a podcast network“A podcast network is a collection of podcasts under the umbrella of one company, which promotes those shows with a shared platform of advertisers.” Or another definition of it may be:  “A podcast network is a company or organization that manages a group of shows. Sometimes they’re centered on a theme, like pop culture or politics, but often the only common thread is the network itself.”
  • A caveat:  some creative control may be at stake for the podcaster in some instances, as the network negotiates the revenue contracts due to bulk advertisements for many shows.
  • How the networks help podcasts with their marketing and advertising: “…you may gain access to better  sponsorship opportunities.”
  • They may offer production help;
  • They may help with audience growth, since they pride themselves on their protected audience already;
  • They offer cross-promotion on other podcasts;
  • A discussion on common requirements to join a podcast network, including metrics and cross-promotion duties, as well as agreeing to the revenue-sharing percentages offered;
  • But some benefits can be convincing– including taking the marketing and advertising “off your plate.” This includes identifying, contacting and negotiating with sponsors;
  • There are also benefits for the sponsor:  “Some advertisers prefer to spread their investment across multiple podcasts, instead of making one large ad purchase on a single show.”
  • The sponsor may help you get discovered by a “warm audience.”
  • You can put more time and effort and energy into the creative process than advertising or administrivia;
  • However, you may NOT receive 100 per cent of the revenues from participating in a podcast network;
  • You may also have to “cede some creative control” in a network;
  • The author also gives some tips you may consider before joining a podcast network  — including details on the revenue-sharing model, services provided, metrics used, length of a contract and early terminating consequences, as well as possible production services, etc.
  • And there is a list of 5 of the most famous podcast networks (including Wondery and iHeartRadio).

    For newer and aspiring podcasters who have a key objective of monetizing their podcasts and growing audiences through cross-promotion, I would highly suggest this article for basic education of podcast networks.

Also, there is a past podcast episode that gives much detail and experience from podcaster Daniel J Lewis of The Audacity to Podcast show. This could be very important, since he was part of a podcast network in his early years (and was probably instrumental in setting one up). He tells the good, the bad and the ugly about podcast networks, just as he did when he created his “mastermind” group called PodcastersSociety. I would definitely suggest that you would educate yourselves by consuming those two episodes from his library of podcast episodes on The Audacity to Podcast show. The episode on podcast networks is located at:

We sincerely hope that you can be successful in joining (or, if you are bold enough) starting a podcast network, so that your show will grow and that you can monetize your podcasts to your benefit.

Thank you for listening and for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Ashley Hamer and All rights reserved.


645- Mobile and Global Podfest events — support for conferences

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter show, we review the concept of both virtual and global and local Podfest events. This is now growing, and the mobile podcast conferences are reaching many podcasters in the local area, as well as the virtual events — in addition to the global online event.

In this unrehearsed and live episode, we explore in an impromptu manner the various events (and at one point we even compare and contrast the events) and describe how the local events are very much like the older podcamp events that took place in the first decade of the podosphere.

You may be interested in participating in the Podfest Global Online event.

Thank you for listening and we hope to see you at one of the Podfest virtual online events soon.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Podfest Multimedia Expo and virtual and global Podfest and Daniel J Lewis and podcamp and All rights reserved.


644- BONUS – Breakthrough strategies for entrepreneurs and podcasters

In this Bonus episode, we discuss some ideas on capturing and implementing BREAKTHROUGH STRATEGIES. It does not matter whether you are an entrepreneur seeking ideas to improve your business and creating revenue streams. And if you are a creative professional or content creator (such as myself, as a podcaster), this can also be the roadmap to take advantage of those moments — whether accidental or not — to grasp ideas and turn them into manageable and actionable plans for successful execution.

Now, when I first thought about breakthrough strategies when I first saw the terms “Business Breakthrough Strategies” in a business card which I received from a conversation with another at a conference that I had just attended. I really studied this more while on a plane when returning back from the event. Of course, those 3 words were the ones that were in the name of the small business. What I saw on the back of the business card was the 4 x 4 square with the words underneath the image:  “How many squares do you see?”

Of course, the answer to that question is one that I already gave in my course of personal productivity to try an get the students to get the mind primed for patterned recognition and making thoughtful leaps into the data and going beyond. So this is the tale of the entrepreneur who called his firm “Business Breakthrough Strategies” (since 1998).

So now, when I hear those terms again, it gave me the pattern to create and form an idea for either revenue-generating tactics and projects, or else some creative strategies.

And here are three questions that Todd Henry  in his podcast show called The Accidental Creative said that should be used in looking for the breakthrough strategies:

  • what does a good idea even “look like?”
  • do you have the appropriate level of FOCUS to identify and define it effectively (i.e., will you recognize it)?
  • will you know how to implement this idea effectively after refinement of the idea?

Now, Todd gives detail about ideas and tasks that you need to include in your daily life and workflow to generate these ideas and move them into actionable strategies for your business or your content creativity. He describes them within the term “showmergence.”

I would suggest that you consume that podcast episode that explains this concept, for it may give you some creative thoughts to help you develop some tactics that improve your creative suggestions and benefit your business, as well as your content creation.

We would like to thank you for your attention, and thank you for listening. We shall see you next time.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Todd Henry and All rights reserved.