
653- Podcasters can become thought leaders in content creation

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter Show, we discuss and review the essence of being a THOUGHT LEADER in the area of podcasting, which is really a subset of being a content creator.

The communication that inspired this repurposed episode is from a listener to this podcast series that wanted to know more detail about being a THOUGHT LEADER (since I mentioned this in a brief summary recently in a prior episode). And so I wanted to oblige and repurpose the episode #513 of this show to answer his several questions about podcasting and being a thought leader in detail.

First, here is the chart that outlines the steps to becoming a thought leader:

Notice that this episode mentions Paul Colligan as my inspiration for becoming a thought leader in my past podcasting career. There is also honorable mention for several other resources along the same lines and topics of this repurposed episode:

THE REFERRAL ENGINE, book by John Jantsch


THE SPEED OF TRUST, book by Dr. Steven Covey

– PAUL COLLIGAN, podcaster, author & blogger at

– CHRIS BROGAN, author, trainer, blogger at

– SCOTT JOHNSON, podcaster at

– LON NAYLOR, screencaster and podcaster and blogger at

So we hope that you can get the details needed to plan a good path for yourself to becoming a good thought leader and well-known podcaster. And we wish you for your success in the podosphere.

Thank you for listening and for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Paul Colligan and John Jantsch and Lon Naylor and Scott Johnson and Chris Brogan. All rights reserved.


652- Suggested Strategies for podcast growth

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter Show, we discuss the 5 strategies to succeed in podcasting for business growth. This was reviewed in an article by Ben Krueger of cashflowpodcasting called “Podcasting for Business growth: 5 Strategies to Succeed.”

Now, as I have stated in several past episodes of this podcast show, I have known Ben since 2014, when we first met at the initial Podcast Movement conference in Dallas, Texas.

Ben Krueger

I feel that Ben has had great information for the newer and aspiring podcaster, especially with this free pdf files and his suggestions. In this case, he gives some sound advice to help you improve your direction at succeeding in growing your business via podcasting.

The main sections discussed in this article are the following (with details in each link to the section of the article):

Finding the right content for your podcast episodes in your show and having clear calls-to-actions are highlights of some of the mistakes that newer and aspiring podcasters make when starting out — especially in some cases where the podcaster decides to incorporate 5 or more calls-to-action in the episode (and then leaves the listener in a confusing direction). This can easily blur the right content for your show, as perhaps some of the calls-to-action may not fit the key messages in your content, thus making your podcast show look like an advertising billboard. And conventional wisdom may indicate that you may not want to go in this misdirection.

As the article indicates, podcast growth can be helped by placing you and your content and podcast as an AUTHORITY for the listener — and there are proven ways to do so. In fact, one of the earliest ways to do so was mentioned by an early podcaster, Paul Colligan, in which he described some of the steps in becoming a THOUGHT LEADER. In fact, we ourselves have had several episodes in the past that looked at what a true thought leader is, as well as the steps to becoming a trusted and accepted thought leader in podcasting. In fact, you may refer to episodes 412 and 513 of this podcast series,

You will then see this chart with the steps to becoming a successful content creator:

And you can also see some of the other interesting viewpoints from Ben that could possibly help your podcast for business grow with his suggested strategies.

We encourage you to review this content from Ben and see if these strategies can work for you — especially with his advice for definite, clear and non-confusing appropriate calls-to-action.

So we hope that you can accept this content as beneficial after your review, and we wish for you a quick path to making your business successful with good podcast strategies.

Thank you for your attention, and for listening.

Copyright (c) 2023, Matrix Solutions Corporation and and Ben Krueger of All rights reserved.


513- Successful podcast path — content creator to thought leader

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we repurpose a prior episode — and we do this once every year at mid-year. The topic is a review of the steps needed to become a thought leader.

In this episode, we examine the four steps in the journey to becoming a successful content creator, especially for the podcaster. Does “success” mean making lots of money? Some of the “newbies” in the podosphere are making 7 figures, and there are a few who proudly proclaim their revenues and share them online.

But, no, that may not be the measure of success.

Does “success mean having enormous stats? Some of the “newbies” have gazillions of downloads, subscribers, sponsors, listens, views, audience numbers, etc.

But, no that may not be the measure of success.

According to a couple of key podcasters, the true meaning of success lies elsewhere in “thought leadership” — but also with the positive results both in stats and revenue streams.

This content for this episode was inspired by two podcasters, both who have had over 10 years of experience:

(1) Paul Colligan, podcaster of THE PODCAST REPORT; and

(2) Chris Brogan — podcaster, blogger, author and trainer, among many other things.

It was Paul Colligan who called myself a “luminary” several years ago in his podcast episode, when he described me.

It was also Chris Brogan who described the real measure of success monetarily, but also emphasized the importance of “thought leadership.”

Together, they inspired the description of the 4-step journey from podcaster to thought-leader (the latter being the real measure of success, in my humble opinion, as the other mentioned victories in the journey have either been preludes or learning-steps).

As you will hear in this audio episode, the four steps to becoming a “successful” CONTENT CREATOR are detailed and described as:

(1) Subject matter expert that develops into a true “luminary”;

(2) Solution-provider or problem-solver;

(3) Trusted advisor; and then,


After listening to this episode, the rhetorical question for you is “where are you in this journey today, and what is your personal and business target in steps for your future?”

Here are some of the links from the cases-in-point and the resources mentioned in this audio episode:

– THE REFERRAL ENGINE, book by John Jantsch


– THE SPEED OF TRUST, book by Dr. Steven Covey

– PAUL COLLIGAN, podcaster, author & blogger at

– CHRIS BROGAN, author, trainer, blogger at

– SCOTT JOHNSON, podcaster at

– LON NAYLOR, screencaster and podcaster and blogger at

Copyright (c) 2015, Matrix Solutions Corporation. All rights reserved.