
272- Theme of time — how long a podcast should be

In this episode of  The Podcast Reporter, we reflect on the age-old question asked by those contemplating entering the podosphere (as well as other self-appointed pundits): how long should a podcast be in terms of time?

And in this audio episode, we explore the options.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2020, Matrix Solutions Corporation. All rights reserved.


271- Benefits of hobbyist podcasting

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we deliver a discussion about the traits and issues of being a hobbyist podcaster.

Copyright (c) 2020, Matrix Solutions Corporation. All rights reserved.


270- Bonus episode — Differentiate your brand and podcast in a saturated market

This is a repurposed bonus episode which delivers again for our new listeners come thoughts and warnings about the task of differentiating yourself and your brand in a saturated market. This can appear especially if you are going for a full-time career as a podcaster.

Bottom line is:  beware of potential “land mines” in the water as you jump in, because the podosphere is becoming more saturated, with over one million podcast shows. You need to know how to differentiate yourself and your show in this huge market.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2020, Matrix Solutions Corporation. All rights reserved.


270 A- Becoming a full-time podcaster — beware of the LAND MINES

This is a repurposed bonus episode which delivers again for our new listeners come thoughts and warnings on jumping into the podosphere with both feet and going for a full-time career as a podcaster.

Bottom line is:  beware of potential “land mines” in the water as you jump in, because the podosphere is becoming more saturated, with over one million podcast shows. You need to know how to differentiate yourself and your show in this huge market.

Copyright (c) 2020, Matrix Solutions Corporation. All rights reserved.


408- Notice – change consistency of posts

Welcome to the returned version of

After this brief hiatus, we finally dumped our older web hosting provider that de-platformed us, and we are now with another. Hopefully, we may still be able to provide our customers and listeners and readers and audience with the information that was delivered to them to give VALUE in the world of all things podcasting.

Thank you for your attention.