
545- Securing your Podcasting niche

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we discuss the theme advocated in episode 176 of the Podcasting Business School  with Adam Schaeuble earlier this year. The topic was how to “niche-down” the theme of your podcast show, so that your show can be accelerated for growth, engagement and attractiveness to listeners in the podosphere and be on the road to success, instead of going downhill.

In this mentioned episode, Adam describes four key symptoms that can indicate that you need to “niche-down” your podcast (which signifies that you are perhaps covering too wide an area and not getting the customer or listener engagement that you want). And these four symptoms are:

  • Lack of audience engagement or feedback from your listeners;
  • It has been difficult to monetize (because perhaps your offers are not attractive enough or just plain boring);
  • Stalled growth in subscriptions (or “follows”) and downloads, etc.;
  • Perhaps you are losing interest — either in topics or drudgery of creating another episode, etc. (it is too much of slavery for you).

Now, many podcasters see a “lull” or dip in performance of engagement with audience listeners, as well as with the statistics of their episodes. This does not mean all the time that the show is going downhill. It could be for a variety of reasons:

  • the Season has wrapped and the audience will be waiting for the beginning of the next season;
  • the virus crisis has changed their interest levels to other topics, and perhaps your podcast topic was more along the lines of entertainment in a pre-pandemic world where the topics were of a different nature or not as serious as a crisis;
  • more competition from other podcasters along the same topic and themes have taken away a lot of listeners (now that there a millions of podcasts out there, and the number is growing daily); or
  • with the lock-downs gradually retreating us back into the world of mobility and being “out,” the stay-at-home crowd that may have followed your show will now be on the move and perhaps the listener base has cut down on the listening of podcasts; or
  • Big and important announcements have been made and publicized by Apple and other vendors that relate to the podosphere and products, etc., for podcasting — and they have stolen the thunder and grabbed the momentary attention of your listeners;
  • and other reasons.

And, usually, the “dip” would soon recover back to the “normal” trend of growth and stability for your podcast show over time.

Well, this time, Adam deals with the elements that are too broad for topics or your show to deal with. He has several people whom he recorded and included in his episode number 176 of his show that deal with experiences — and these can serve as proof points and case studies.

For this podcaster, I have seen dips come and go. In some cases, I did a study to examine the causes of the dip for one or more of my podcast shows. And after this type of review, one result that I implemented was to PODFADE the show or shows which I felt had run their course and were no longer relevant to my audience in the podosphere.

In other cases, I saw which episodes could be REUSED or REPURPOSED in other active podcast shows (nearly all of the selected episodes could be repurposed with some editing and updating). And for the shows targeted for podfading, I quickly put into place the creation of another episode alerting the audience of the podfade for that show — it is just common courtesy to the listeners, and many of them resulted in going to my other shows or new shows that I had launched (their feedback told me so).

But for yourself, you have to decide what the causes of the “dip” are, and then you have to decide if this is a seasonal or temporary setback, or whether it is permanent — and then take the appropriate action for your show.

As Adam mentions in his episode, the symptoms tell the ugly truth about the current state of your show. You have to determine to accept the truth and status, and then you have to decide on which path to take to alleviate this dip — and one key way is what Adam mentions, which is to “niche-down” your show. So you may want to see if your own show should be “niched-down” to alter the downhill path and get your show back on an upward direction. And perhaps this will get you back on the road to success. And that means that you constantly have to monitor your show to see if these symptoms will tell you perhaps that you need to consider the tasks needed to “niche-down” your show.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2021, Matrix Solutions Corporation and Podcasting Business School and All rights reserved.


547- Ideas for preparing Podcast audits and interviews

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we discuss the themes of professional planning that can be recommended when preparing a podcast show and episodes as a professional podcaster.

These themes and topics come from a podcast episode by Adam Schaeuble of the podcast show called Podcasting Business School.

Now, although the main thread of this episode intended to be focused on sales for your podcast, there are lots of smaller gems of suggestions that are discussed, and which could be of value to you and your show.

Here, several topics are discussed in the first half of the episode:

  • What service for scheduling and its cost (as suggested by Adam);

  • What you should be asking for besides “name” and “email” when someone schedules with you for the first time (e.g., for an interview in a podcast show);

  • The key series of questions that Adam asks when he is doing a one- on-one meeting or interview, or in a discovery session;

  • What Adam sees other podcasters adding to their interview scheduling form that could be worth a try;

  • In the 2nd half of this episode, Adam does a “podcast audit” (which is a program promoted by Adam for newer podcasters);

  • And finally, Adam gives some ideas for dialing in on a niche and rebranding.

  • For this podcaster, I would suggest that a newer podcaster consume the content (especially the first half of the episode) so that some key questions may be given consideration and possibly should be asked in many instances — especially for interviews and preparation workflow.

Many times, experienced podcasters (such as Adam) have learned the hard way the skills that include what works best in situations for interviews, having guests on shows, themes and other general information that can be discovered within a “podcast audit” — but Adam is giving you these highlights for free.

And if you do this before launching many episodes or your main show, you may be able to prepare a good habit for your workflow (especially for podcast guests or interviews).

I, myself, learned the hard way in 2006 about interviews, preparation and planning for guesting in podcasting — mainly because there were almost no resources or experience that dealt with these topics. And so, we had to learn about it on our own and refine our own tasks to make our podcast episodes better for our guests and interviews.

We hope that you can find value in the suggestions for an “audit” that are given by Adam in this episode, and that the VALUE can be delivered in final form by having a great episode with your guests.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2021, Matrix Solutions Corporation and . All rights reserved.


479- Podcasting business school — interview with Ben Krueger

In this episode of Podcast Reporter, we discuss a recent interview that took place at the Podcasting Business School and Ben Krueger (of It was episode 122.

In the podosphere, I myself have known Ben since 2014, when we both shared an exhibitor table at the very first Podcast Movement conference in Dallas. And I have followed him, since he has delivered value to listeners by his advice (most of it for free from his blog) on how to improve your podcasting and get benefit as a profitable podcast.

As you may know, Ben Krueger is the Podcast Educator, Founder & CEO of Cashflow Podcasting and he’s dedicated to helping Industry Advocates to start, launch and grow world-class podcasts for their businesses. This article spells out the value that Ben brings to new and aspiring podcasters:  “He believes podcasting is one of the best tools to help leaders reach more people, connect more deeply and make an impact because it allows them to educate, motivate and advocate at scale like nothing else.”

Ben Krueger

So this episode 122 of Podcasting Business School as Ben discusses these sub-topics:

  • How he got started in podcasting.
  • Why he things more brick and mortar businesses need to have podcasts to grow their brand.
  • His top tips for podcasting growth.
  • His top recommendations for podcasters that are just getting started.

For this podcaster, I found the concept that Ben delivered that podcasters can be of several categories — and one of them is “riffers.”

Also, Ben describes his beginning journey into the podosphere, including his education into podcasting, and his experience in creating a brand and producing a podcast that will support a business brand — especially with an “internship” in podcasting.

What was very interesting in this interview was Ben’s advice on new or aspiring podcasters “applying blinders.” As you will hear in that interview in episode 122 of Podcasting Business School, this is a description of a trap that the neophytes can fall in when they want success to occur faster than is occurring

Another point that is key to understanding formula for monetization is to find out (from research and survey info) what your audience is willing to pay for. Because very few podcasters don’t — they are so involved (and enamored) with their show, that they do not look beyond their passion. They equate success with their own emotions in finding real value for their listeners.

We hope that you can find come good gems for your podcast show from this 51-minute interview with Ben Krueger.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2020, Matrix Solutions Corporation and Ben Krueger and Podcasting Business School. All rights reserved.