
630- Podcast conferences — a perspective from a podcaster

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter Show, we deliver a perspective from one of the very first podcasters in the podosphere about the future of podcast conferences.

As a podcaster, I have had experience and have seen and participated in just about all the USA meetings, conferences and podcamps since the beginning. And so now, I am giving my perspective on the present and the future of podcast conferences — especially the large ones.

Since 2005, I have followed the following podcast conferences:

Portable media expo;

Podcast and Portable Media Expo;

Blogworld and Podcast Expo;

New Media Expo

Podcast Movement – Evolutions;

Podcast Movement;

Podfest or Podfest Expo;

Podcamps (since September 2006 to the present);

She Podcasts

International Podcast Day session(s);

and other conferences that you may find at this web site (even though they may be outside the USA):

So, since 2005, I have been an active and serious podcaster since The beginning

And now, with over 17 years of podcasting, I am very concerned and participating in The present

But I also have strong feelings where the problem of PM 2022 will lead — that is, A perspective for the future


Looking forward to the VALUE for the podcaster in having (or attending or participating) in a podcast conference — perhaps the best alternative is to make every conference it own private platform in which the organizers can commit discrimination and bigotry and cancel culture and censorship.


Because, you see, in this way, the owners can determine who will be allowed to attend or participate and who will be rejected and not permitted to attend or participate based on political bias or race or gender or background or anything that the organizers do not agree with. While in the past prior to the Civil Rights Act, it was a common practice to have signs and postings that read “Whites Only” or “No blacks allowed” or anything like that in the area of race — it is now the same thing to say that a podcast conference may be the largest in its propaganda and welcomes ALL podcaseters…that is, all podcasters except those who are conservative or those whom the organizers target as unacceptable and those who promote free and open platforms for publishing their messages in a free-speech society or those who do not agree with the political views of the organizers.

Does this sound familiar?

Well, PM 2022 set the stage and those who DEMAND that the conference adhere to their own personal whims and bias and prejudice will commit acts of protest or even violence if they don’t get their way. Just because a firm signed up for a booth and paid for a spot in the exhibit hall of the conference, they should not be banned or canceled or censored or threatened by some of the woke activists that do not believe that all podcasters have a right to publish their own message.

Thus, I feel that the only way to go in the future is to have the woke platforms create, organize and start their own conferences, in which podcasting may or may not be the prime media. Thus, ShePodcasts is the first to target a specific audience (even though they had not canceled or discriminated against the very few males that arrived to demonstrate at the exhibit hall or attend the sessions — e.g., Dave Jackson at the Libsyn booth in the exhibit hall).

Now, I suppose that every group that has a root of hate or bigotry for another group should start their very own podcast conference. In this way, they can manage their own discrimination and bigotry and restrictions — in fact, they would be like the old signs of “Whites Only” and “No blacks allowed” (and remember that in South Africa, this was the custom and law until recently; so it was not just the USA that had these restrictions).

Thus, for myself, I will not believe the propaganda from Podcast Movement that it is the “largest podcast conference for podcasters” at the time — because they are the ones that will try to promote the idea that podcasters are welcomed — well, but except for the following podcasters that they do not want to admit, due to the reasons of bigotry, hate, racism, political views or disagreement of messages).

So where do I stand?

I will NOT attend or support Podcast Movement, due to this type of extremism and bigotry. Although I did support it from the beginning by donating to the start in its kickstarter — and also presenting at the very first conference in Dallas in 2014 — I will no longer support this type of organization that prohibits a podcaster from attending. I will NOT believe their propaganda at all. In fact, I will be waiting the for the day that they will promote “PM is a conference for liberal and left-wing radical and woke podcasters ONLY.”

How is that for the future?

However, if there will be open and welcomed podcast conferences for all podcasters, it will be up to the Podfest Expo organizers, as an example, to make an open podcast conference continue. And for their efforts in promoting their conference this way, I do plan to follow, support and attend their event — mainly because they are NOT discriminating, show no bigotry and will not cancel or censor any podcaster.

We will see where this leads to and I myself will follow the backlash after the PM 2022 intent of prohibitions of all-inclusivity for podcasters ends up.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2022, Matrix Solutions Corporation and All rights reserved.


502- Celebrating 500 episodes — a second comeback

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we report that we had just celebrated (2 episodes ago) our 500th episode of this podcast show.

For myself, this is a great accomplishment for one show. Now, this is not the only podcast show in which I had completed 500 episodes — I actually had a show that did this from 2007 to 2013, and although it had podfaded, it was called The Struggling Entrepreneur.

But for now, this current show is a COMEBACK for me to the longevity of the podosphere and its episodes. By publishing this, and by seeing the resulting statistics of downloads, etc., I am very much pleased by the acceptance of the themes and relevance to our audiences — both for audio and video (as well as written show notes).

What does this mean for myself?

It means that podcasting has grown and that I myself predict that it will be here for a very long time — either until the podosphere shuts down (which is unlikely, since this is today one way of getting your message out without being shouted down by a censoring media and social media oligarchical world), or until we run out of themes, topics and passion for publishing our message in the world (and that will never happen, for the message will be created and distributed in one way or another).

As I contemplate the success of my current 3 shows, as well as the success of my prior 15 podcast shows during my 15 years as a podcaster, I have seen the podosphere evolve into a wondrous avenue of communication and publication.

I remember when I was a CORPORATE podcaster, with my own show about the technologies and offers and offerings from my firm (a fortune 500 company), and how that incorporated into an integrated strategy for blogs, podcasts, videos, pdf files with whitepapers, as well as interviews and promotions. This was a great success in the early days of 2006.

Also, I have seen the podcast conferences bloom — since the very first conference of the Podcast and Portable Media Expo since 2005, to the tech that allows a much easier way to create your show and episodes and then publish them with better quality and less tech knowledge than before — and then from the virtual tickets and telesummits on podcasting to the webinars and the online courses about podcasting.

And I had seen the growth of podcast shows — from amounts of 4-digits of shows in the early years of the podosphere to the current number today of over 1 million shows (almost 1.5 million), with just about every theme possible. I have also seen the proliferation of tools — both electronic and hard copy — to help the aspiring and new podcasters be able to plan, create, publish and launch a podcast show within a matter of days or even hours.

So we recently posted episode 500 (and sometimes not even counting the BONUS episodes that had no number), and we look forward to continue on the journey of podcasting into the future with new listeners, new audiences, new devices, new technologies and new themes and topics. All you have to do is examine the success of the blogosphere to see how many millions of blogs exist, and the rate of increase in blogs after their popularity was exploited — these should give you an idea of how blogs, video, audio and other technologies can affect the success of communicating our messages with our passions (and our attempts at monetization) can help us continue our journey.

So, if you are a new or aspiring podcaster, we hope that you, too, can join us for a great ride in the podosphere and have the success that you can plan for, as well as experience, with your podcast shows and episodes.

Thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2021, Matrix Solutions Corporation . All rights reserved.


452- Podcast conferences — change of the guard or agendas

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we discuss an opinion that was promoted on The New Media Show dialog that concerned the podcast conference speakers — naturally, it had to do with the selection results and why the presenters today are possibly in the “changing of the guard” as far as speakers at events.

In the episode # 397 of New Media Show, Todd Cochrane and Rob Greenlee (the co-hosts of the episode) mentioned that a podcaster from a show told them that they should “move out” and let newer podcasters be the presenters at the show. This begs the question of whether speakers should deliver value or just be part of an agenda. In other words, the value of the presentation is diminished, while the agenda and political correctness becomes primary in the decision making process.

For this podcaster, my opinion is that VALUE should be the primary determinant from the viewpoint of the attendees. And for myself, this means that education, training, new strategies and podcasting-relevant topics should deliver value to the podcasters (and that means ALL podcasters, including new and aspiring ones and veterans).

So when I saw the first listing of the speakers selected, it looked to me like the AGENDA and political correctness have sneaked into the selection process, and that the value for education and training for podcasters has now begun to diminish.

I also look at Gary Leland, who was one of the founders of the Podcast Movement conferences, and what he said was the real value to the podcasters — and that meant to provide the excitement for PODCASTING to the podcasters and content creators. There was no room for AGENDAS or political correctness in the selection process, because the excitement and VALUE to the podcasters was primary.

Well, since Gary Leland has left the Podcast Movement team in driving the conferences, the agenda-driven focus has moved in to steer the conference toward agendas. At least, that is my opinion and that is how I see the podosphere today for this conference.

Now, I have purchased my ticket to be an “attendee” at the Podcast Movement Virtual conference. Why? Because I had attended the PM 2014 (and I was a speaker at this conference) event. I also had recently attended the PM Evolutions conference in California in February. So I decided that I would be a virtual attendee at this new virtual event.

For the upcoming PM-Virtual event, I am thankful that at least two speakers will provide great value in the event and are NOT part of an agenda — these are Todd Cochrane and Tom Schwab. And that is just my opinion. But I ask “where are the rest of the experienced podcasters that do deliver value to podcasters in topics in which they are subject matter experts in their field?”

But if the direction goes farther into the AGENDA-driven focus for this conference, I feel that I will perhaps stop participating in this type of event. Why? Because the value for podcasters has begun to decrease, and the value to the AGENDAS has begun to replace this. And so, I will keep my focus on VALUE to the podcaster in terms of education, training, strategies and other value-based themes and topics for ALL podcasters — and not just for the Social Justice Warriors or those who have modern AGENDAS.

So, if the pendulum does swing back to the original themes of PM conferences, then I may go back to supporting that event and participate as an attendee again. But for now, I plan to distance myself from the agenda-driven conferences and steer myself toward the value-based events that do deliver podcasting gems to the attendees.

So thank you for your attention.

Copyright (c) 2020, Matrix Solutions Corporation and All rights reserved.