
510- When the thrill of podcasting is waning — some strategies

In this episode of The Podcast Reporter, we deliver a repurposed episode that has evergreen content for the podcaster — especially when either the times are tough, the environment for business has been stretched to the limit, and when lockdowns have seemed to permanently bruise your self-worth and your business.

So, when you feel the negative signs growing upon yourself and you feel that “the thrill is gone” from your podcasting experience, what are some new strategies that you may investigate in order to get rid of the “podcasting blues” and re-ignite your passion for podcasting and get you back on the road to a thrilling and fulfilling adventure into the podosphere?

In this audio episode, we discuss several strategies that can help you at the time when you most need it. But even if these negative feelings are not haunting you at this moment, you may wish to keep this episode around, so that you can reach out to these strategies if and when the time comes in the near future.

We hope that these high-level strategies mentioned can help you to get through a slump of negative feelings if and when they arise soon, and that you can get yourself back on the road to passionate podcasting about your topic. And if you are monetizing your podcast within your business, we hope that these can assist you in recovering your passion and increasing your business success.

Thank you for your attention.

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